Прыщи на спине - симптом заболевания внутренних органов

Acne on the back and shoulders is just as bad as on the face. In the summer, when you want to wear something light and open your body as much as possible, you have to wear sweaters with sleeves. Yes, and on the beach ashamed to appear in a bathing suit. Therefore, the treatment of such rashes cannot be postponed to "later". First you need to determine the root of the problem, and then begin treatment – this is the only way you will definitely get rid of acne.

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you why pimples appear on your back, how you can cure them so that they do not come back again. 

Acne on the back and shoulders: causes 

Dermatologists note that the causes of acne on the back of the body are in most cases the same as in the case of rashes on the face. In 80% of cases – This is an increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to hormonal changes in the body. In particular, they actively respond to the level of androgens. Another reason is the overgrowth of skin microflora. Third – bacteria and excess dead skin cells. The latter accumulate inside the follicle and clog it. The result is inflammation. 

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Eruptions also occur due to friction of the skin, combined with the release of sweat and heat. These are the so-called mechanical acne. In this case, the reason – tight collar, too tight clothing, wearing a heavy backpack, skin rubbing against bag straps. 

Acne on the back and shoulders: treatment of a mild form of the disease 

Acne on the back in a mild form manifests itself in the fact that pimples appear periodically. At the same time, they are small, they rarely form pus. You can deal with a similar cosmetic problem on your own.

Read also: How to get rid of acne for a long time


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The main thing is to establish regular skin care:

  1. Use cleansers that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. They can be found in a pharmacy. Soaps with benzoyl peroxide are available. 

  2. Shower daily and treat problem skin with your chosen product. Do the same after sweating or exercising. This will prevent clogging of the pores. 

  3. Include special salicylic acid lotions or sprays in your skin care – the latter are more convenient to use if you need to treat the area on the back. 

  4. Such remedies should be used carefully in the neck area – here the skin is more sensitive. As soon as irritation or dryness appears there, stop processing for a while. 

  5. Retinoids – they need to be applied to problem areas every day. 

  6. Topical antibiotics – use from no more than a month and a half. 

  7. Point-action drying agents – they are applied directly to the pimple. 

  8. Do not use body scrub on the back, do not rub the place with a washcloth – this provokes even more irritation.

And most importantly – don't pop pimples! This only aggravates the situation, spreading the infection to even more areas of the skin. 

Acne on the back and shoulders: how to treat moderate to severe disease 

If the rashes are regular and practically do not disappear from the body, this indicates that the disease may be in a severe form. In this case, the inflammation has a bright red tint, there are many pustules. After them, traces remain on the body – post-acne. To treat this form of the disease, you will need the help of a dermatologist and a whole range of procedures. 

Read also: Problem facial skin: how to choose the right care

If your pimples are very inflamed and hurt, don't put off a visit to the doctor. The progression of the disease can threaten scars that appear in areas of large accumulation of acne. 


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The standard treatment regimen includes antibiotics, retinoids, and isotretinoin. The latter is used in a very severe form of the disease. All this will take time – not one month in order to put the skin in order. In most cases, acne is completely cured. After the acne has disappeared, you need to undergo a course of procedures to remove scars from the skin. To do this, you can contact a beauty salon or clinic. In any case, you need to choose a method of getting rid of scars with your dermatologist so as not to harm the skin. 

Read also: Dermatologist told what actually affects the appearance of acne

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