Прыщи на теле: причины появления и способы избавиться

On the eve of the summer season or a pajama party, and you have a pimple on your body. And even worse, if he is not alone, but the whole "family". Then the whole mood disappears, because it is difficult to put on open clothes.

Of course, it is not as problematic as acne on the face, but it still brings discomfort.

Acne on the body – quite common in both teenagers and adults.

Did you know that acne on the back is even given a separate name – back? About this and much more informative about pimples on the body tells the Internet edition estet-portal.com.

1. Why there are acne on the body
2. Ways to get rid of acne on the body
3. How to treat moderate to severe acne

Why does acne appear on the body

The reason for the appearance of pimples on the body are hypertrophied sebaceous glands. Sebum accumulates inside and clogs the pore. The time becomes black, and when bacteria enters, it becomes inflamed, forming a pimple.

Since the back, shoulders, face, have a large number of sebaceous glands, their follicles are more often forgotten, and an inflammatory process occurs.

What are the reasons for the formation of acne on the body:

heredity. Hormones are passed from parents to children, so if adults are predisposed to acne, this affects their offspring;

Problems of the gastrointestinal tract, as the internal organs affect the production of sebaceous glands. Depending on the location of acne, it is possible to determine what problems the person has internal organs;

Hormonal imbalance. This reason occurs in adolescents, but adults can also suffer from hormonal failure, which is caused by stress, overwork, in women – during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation;

malnutrition affects the internal organs and epidermis, causing acne;

oily skin is more prone to acne due to the favorable breeding environment for pathogens. Often this is the reason why pimples occur on the back;

taking antibiotics and complex medications;

low-quality cosmetics. Carefully study the composition of the shower gel and body scrub, and pay attention to the expiration date;

weak immunity and nervous tension.

Synthetic or rarely washed clothes irritate the skin and nourish it with bacteria. This causes acne to form.

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Ways to get rid of acne on the body

If acne on the body is single, not recurring, you can use simple methods to eliminate acne without contacting a specialist.

At home, in order to to overcome acne on the body you need:

1. improve skin hygiene: shower immediately after exercising or sweating activities; 2.

wipe the skin with a salicylic acid solution.

Sprays or medicated lotions that contain salicylic acid are available; 3.

take baths with sea salt.

To do this, take half a bath of water, add 5-7 tablespoons of salt. Do not rinse after taking a bath; 4.

rub tar soap

on the inflamed area and keep for 20 minutes, then rinse. Tar soap has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect; 5.

take baths with herbs

(marigold, horsetail) and essential oils; 6.

make a mask with baking soda;


use sprays and products with lactic and glycolic acid

that exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis and cleanse the pores. The skin on the back and shoulders is rougher than on the face, so you can not be afraid to use less gentle procedures. But the skin of the neck is very delicate. Any means should be used carefully in this area.

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How to treat moderate to severe acne

Severely inflamed

pimples on the body

should not be treated at home. In this case, it is better to make an appointment with a dermatologist for a more serious treatment. After the examination, the doctor most often prescribes drugs: retinoids, antibiotics, etc. Treatment with these drugs should be strictly under the supervision of a dermatologist, as they have adverse reactions.

The treatment of acne on the body can take more than one month and include different types of exposure, including medication and alternative treatment.

If post-acne or acne scars appear, you may need to resort to cosmetic services to eliminate them.

Acne on the body

– common not only among teenagers, but also among adults. Their appearance is influenced by many factors, among which the first place is occupied by hormonal failure and individual care. To prevent acne, try to eat right, drink enough water, shower daily and wash your clothes on time.

Do not pop pimples as marks may remain. Store

salicylic acid – she is a good helper in the fight against single acne on the body.

How to get rid of back acne You may be interested in: How to deal with your physical imperfections.