The human body is on average 60% water. Due to the lack of water in the body, metabolic processes, the supply of nutrients to cells, the removal of harmful substances, the regulation of body temperature and other mechanisms of the human body are disrupted. That is why almost everyone knows how important it is to maintain the body's water balance. However, there are a number of misconceptions about how to do it correctly. will tell you how to avoid the most common mistakes in maintaining the body's water balance.

Misconception: You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

True: water, like other substances, each organism requires in different quantities. Therefore, the amount of water that you need to drink per day depends on the individual needs of the person, as well as factors such as weather and physical activity (exercise). For a woman, the recommended dose of water per day is on average 11 glasses (data from the Institute of Medicine), but the amount may vary depending on the height, weight, activity of the woman and weather conditions. However, do not rush to pour 3 liters of water into yourself. Remember that about 20% of your water comes from fruits and vegetables. In general, the best landmark – feeling of thirst. Drink when your body requires it.

Misconception: Coffee and tea do not count towards the total amount of water you drink per day.

True: of course, coffee and tea – this is not water in its pure form, however, these drinks are also considered to replenish the lack of water in the body. Yes, caffeine is a diuretic, but this does not mean that the entire cup of coffee consumed will leave the body in the form of urine without being hooked anywhere. From a drink containing caffeine, the body absorbs about 20-30% of the liquid. But alcohol "dries" body, so after a good party you really want (and need to!) Drink.

Misconception: the more water the better.

True: there are many useful things too. And even water. True, in such quantities, an ordinary person is unlikely to be able to voluntarily drink water. Athletes, especially runners, are at risk of over-drinking water as they seek to replenish the lack of water in the body, often by drinking excess amounts of water. In this regard, they are advised to drink only when they feel thirsty. People with kidney disease and vegetarians should also not go overboard with water. It is best to check with a doctor about the amount of water that such people need to drink per day.

Misconception: Water helps prevent cramps.

True: according to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, even people who lost a lot of water due to exercise were not prone to cramps. Cause of seizures – muscle fatigue. And the best way to prevent cramps is not water, but reducing the load. Other possible causes of seizures include low levels of potassium, calcium, or magnesium. Therefore, the body must receive such minerals regularly and in the required quantities.

Misconception: Urine should be colorless.

True: Completely colorless urine means you need to drink less water. Normal urine color – light yellow, but not too pale. Dark yellow urine indicates an imbalance in the body's water balance and the need to drink more fluids.

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