Себорейный дерматит на лице: как избавиться от косметического дефекта

Skin on the face – an organ that has a life of its own. Nature is so arranged that it is in this zone that there are many sebaceous and sweat glands that secrete secretion and moisture, forming a water-fat mantle. This thin film has an acidic environment, due to which it protects the dermis from microbes. But when there is a violation of the sebaceous glands, seborrheic dermatitis occurs on the face. This is a fairly serious disease in which the breathing process of the skin is disturbed, as well as irritation and rashes occur. This problem brings significant aesthetic discomfort. And if left untreated, it is fraught with scars and scars. What is the cause of such a disease, what measures should be taken to get rid of it and how to prevent its occurrence? The Internet edition estet-portal.com offers you to learn about all this.

Types and external signs of seborrhea on the face

Seborrheic dermatitis on the face is fairly easy to recognize. It comes in two forms:
•    bold – there is an increased production of sebum;
•    dry – sebum is produced in insufficient quantities.

These types of seborrhea differ in different symptoms. So, if the skin has a greasy sheen, a grayish tint, as well as the presence of black dots, pustules and blackheads in the T-zone and nasolabial folds, this is oily or liquid seborrhea. With such a disease, the secreted sebum spreads over the surface, forming a greasy film. Plugs of dense fat clog enlarged pores, and the microflora of the dermis changes and becomes less protected.

Fatty seborrhea is most common in adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body. But often such a disease remains with a person for life.

This type of disease is not contagious. Often it affects the owners of dark skin. And in 20% of cases it becomes chronic. It usually worsens in autumn.

As for dry or thick seborrhea, it is much less common than oily. With this disease, the production of sebum decreases or completely stops. And as a result, a film of sebum does not form on the surface of the skin. The dermis becomes dry, begins to itch, peel off and crack. It is rough to the touch with unpleasant dry scales. This disease can occur at any age. Especially often children and those whose skin is rather pale and light are exposed to it. Dry dermatitis is dangerous because eczema can develop against its background.

Why does seborrheic dermatitis occur on the skin of the face

The main causative agent of this disease is the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum ovale, which lives in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It is constantly present in 90% of people and may not even lead to the appearance of seborrhea. But in certain cases, it is activated and creates ideal conditions for the development of a skin disease. This often happens during puberty, when testosterone production rises and estrogen levels decrease. The disease should go away on its own as soon as the hormonal balance returns to normal. But if the symptoms do not go away even after 25 years, then the cause of the disease is completely different. And it is connected, most likely, with the disease.

One of the following problems can lead to unpleasant symptoms:
•    obesity;
•    diabetes mellitus;
•    diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
•    disruption of the endocrine system;
•    ovarian pathology;
•    epilepsy;
•    schizophrenia;
•    Parkinson's disease;
•    decreased immunity due to low hemoglobin or beriberi.

Seborrheic dermatitis on the face is often caused by constant exposure to a room where it is too cold or hot, as well as dust and air pollution. The person himself can contribute to the development of such a disease. Experiencing frequent stress, overwork and chronic fatigue, he, without suspecting it, harms not only the body, but also the skin.

Sweet, salty, spicy and fatty foods, as well as steroids – another way to the appearance of seborrhea on the face.

Also at risk are those who smoke frequently, drink alcohol, do not take care of their face, or use inappropriate cosmetics that either dry out the skin or clog pores.

Complex treatment and prevention of skin disease

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If you notice symptoms of seborrhea on your face, do not self-diagnose and do not treat yourself. Otherwise, you will not only not cure the disease, but also aggravate its course. At the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. This specialist carefully examines the skin and accurately determines the diagnosis. He will also prescribe effective treatment.

Drug treatment includes the treatment of affected skin with ointments, creams, sulfur-containing preparations, alcohol tinctures and special "talkers". And since the treatment should be complex, multivitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agents, as well as hormonal preparations are also prescribed.

In parallel with the treatment, you should also take care of your diet. After all, it has been proven that what we eat affects the condition of our skin. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude from your diet all the most harmful and include only the most useful. This can also be done as a preventive measure for the appearance of dermatitis.

Foods containing zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, E and group B contribute to the treatment of seborrhea. But foods with carbohydrates, on the contrary, stimulate the production of sebum.

Oat bran is very beneficial for the body. They contain fiber, which cleanses the intestines from stagnant feces, thus preventing poisoning of the body and the appearance of an unpleasant ailment. Also, be sure to include pumpkin, asparagus, zucchini, seaweed in your diet. Supplement it with cottage cheese, kefir, buckwheat and barley porridge. From meat, eat dietary varieties: chicken, lean pork, lean fish. From drinks, give your preference to pure water, herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices. But you should forget about soda, cakes, buns, smoked meats, fast foods and other carbohydrates.
Comprehensive treatment of seborrheic dermatitis on the face should also include healthy sleep, exercise, outdoor activities and proper skin care.

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