
Secrets of hypocrites, or how to moisturize the skin of the face

Секреты лицедеев, или как увлажнить кожу лица

Despite the abundance of moisturizing cosmetics for the face, the problem of dry and dull skin, the loss of its elasticity remains relevant. In order to keep the skin in good condition, it is necessary to understand where it takes water from and how it behaves in the future. And for this you need to know that water in the skin comes from two sources — external and internal.

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Elena STOYANOVA, dermatologist-cosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the portal, head physician of the StEsthetic clinic.

Weather in the house: measuring the humidity in the room

What should the air be like for our skin to feel comfortable? Answering this question, it should be remembered that one of the main functions of the skin — excretory. Thanks to it, a certain temperature is maintained in our body despite changes in the external environment. This happens because moisture is constantly evaporating from our skin.

If the humidity of the environment is 30—140%, then this process occurs without unnecessary energy consumption for the body. With increased dryness, the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth begins to suffer, and then the skin itself. Losing from its surface one and a half times more moisture than usual, the skin needs to spend a lot of energy to replenish this reserve. That is why, when you wake up early in the morning, you see in the mirror not a rested face, but dry and tired skin. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the humidity in the bedroom.

Good advice

• If the humidity in the room where you are is low, ventilate it every hour for at least 5-10 minutes.
• Use sprays to moisturize your skin.
• Humidify the air with special devices.

Drinking regimen or how much water is needed to moisturize the skin

Our skin not only drinks the water that we supply it, but also receives it from various other drinks and foods. Often, while on one diet or another, many have noticed how the skin condition changes.
If you consume a large amount of complex carbohydrates, the amount of water in the skin increases.
For "sour" diets that use a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, the water content of the skin may decrease.

For "alkaline" diets with an increase in the amount of protein products — may increase. At the same time, it is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys, since if they are compromised, then, first of all, this will affect the condition of the skin.
• There are many diets that often contradict each other, but at the same time they adhere to the general rule: during the day you need to drink 1.5 & mdash; 2 liters of water.
Face masks: remember biorhythms and consistency

Should I make moisturizing face masks? Often we are not serious about the recommendations for proper facial care and applying masks. Why do them if the effect of applying the mask will last no more than a day?
For our skin to perform its protective function properly, its surface must be in good functional condition.

The superficial layer of the skin (horny) consists of a large number of cells that are tightly, like tiles, adjacent to each other. On the skin of the face, this layer consists of six layers of cells that have lost their functional properties and mechanically perform only protective work.

In terms of its chemical composition, this layer contains only about 15% water, and the rest — keratin. If this ratio is violated and 5-10% moisture remains in the skin, then the cells of the stratum corneum are pressed against each other more tightly. In this case, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes like a thin crust.
There can be many reasons for the occurrence of such a condition, however, in all these conditions, moisturizing masks must be done.

Good advice

• Keep your biorhythms in mind to keep your skin hydrated enough. Moisturizing masks should be applied for 15 minutes two to three times a week, in the morning, from 7 to 8 hours.
• Masks can be homemade: use probiotic yogurt as a base, adding chopped herbs and lemon juice to it.

Moisturizers nourish and protect the skin

After we were able to pass the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis, thanks to the use of moisturizing masks, now we are faced with the next task — moisturize the deeper layers of the skin. Inject healthy ingredients and protect the skin by covering it with a protective film on top that will help the skin retain moisture inside.

How can a cream moisturize the skin

Moisturizing due to the beneficial components of the cream

Today, creams are moving from the category of simple cosmetic to the category of therapeutic skin care products. They include not only glycerin, propylene glycol and sorbitol. These substances help creams to use atmospheric moisture. And hyaluronic acid allows the epidermis to retain moisture inside the skin, creating superficial hydration.

Moisturizing cream due to the formation of a film on the skin

In medicine, this effect is called occlusion. In our skin, water is in two states: intracellular (static) and extracellular, located in the extracellular space (dynamic). The moisturizers we use help transform dynamic water into static water. In this way, the water reserve in the skin is preserved and does not evaporate too quickly.

Good advice

• Apply moisturizing creams to create a protective film on the skin in the morning. Nutrients are best used in the evening.

• In the winter season, when the temperature is below zero, this rule must be changed. Apply a nourishing cream in the morning. Moisturizing cream in the cold can cause cold allergies.

Strictly on the course: face mesotherapy for moisturizing

Facial mesotherapy

— This is an injection method of introducing stimulant drugs into the dermis. The effect of this procedure is due to several simultaneously acting factors.

The reflex effect of mesotherapy activates the nerve endings

The skin has a large number of blood vessels and nerve endings. The reflex effect of microinjections activates the nerve endings, which, in turn, causes a rush of blood, improves skin nutrition in this area and improves tone.

Controlled skin damage during mesotherapy as a method of rejuvenation

Mesotherapy injections are carried out with the thinnest needles to a depth of 3-5 mm, leaving many small lesions on the skin. In order for all these punctures to heal, the skin begins to work actively. There is a stimulation of fibroblasts, which begin to actively divide. This leads to a rejuvenating effect.

Mesotherapy, or why does the skin need a healing cocktail?

It is important to choose the right meso-cocktail, based on the problems that are on the skin. The drugs that your doctor will select for you can be homeopathic or medicinal. It is these substances that will be injected directly into the dermal layer of the skin. This layer is rich in blood vessels, and the drug will be carried with lightning speed through the bloodstream, stimulating the production of plate and collagen, which are responsible for skin turgor.

Good advice

• Facial mesotherapy is best done in a course of 8-10 procedures, once a week.

• The number of procedures and the mesotherapy cocktail should be selected by a qualified doctor. Biorevitalization of the face allows you to create "water storage"

Thanks to biorevitalization, we can not only moisturize the skin, but also create a subcutaneous hydro-reserve. To do this, preparations with unstabilized hyaluronic acid are used, which can be used both independently and in combination with vitamin complexes.


Biorevitalization is best done twice a year — spring and autumn.

  • The number of procedures depends on the drug that will be chosen for biorevitalization, taking into account the condition of the skin.
  • After the biorevitalizant is injected into the skin, the processes of producing its own hyaluronic acid are launched and the production of plate and collagen is stimulated. Hyaluronic acid not only moisturizes the skin, but also retains water inside the skin.

  • Comments (2)

    Марина Голуб#2
    03 июня 2015, 10:21

    Лена, спасибо! Прекрасный материал. И главное все рабочее и понятное. Ну и , конечно, мезотерапия моя любимая!

  • Comments (2)

    30 сентября 2016, 09:15

    Каждый день нужно пользоваться специальными кремами. Дневной увлажняющий крем нужно наносить на предварительно очищенную кожу (учитывайте свой тип кожи, это главный критерий при выборе увлажняющих средств). Вода — главный составляющий компонент крема. К ним же относят компоненты, которые долго удерживают влагу и те, которые глубоко проникают в эпидермис и наполняют его питательными веществами.

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