Pain that is localized in the buttocks, which can also radiate to the groin, thigh and lower leg, is called piriformis syndrome. The cause of pain in this area can be trauma, muscle strain, hypothermia, incorrect administration of the drug, muscle tension, etc.

The symptoms of this syndrome may include local manifestations, as well as symptoms caused by compression of the sciatic nerve or vessels. What exercises will help with piriformis syndrome, will tell in this article.

Piriformis Syndrome: How to Suspect a Violation

Symptoms that suggest the presence of piriformis syndrome include:

  • drawing or aching pain in the buttocks, which can radiate to the pelvis or leg and intensify while walking and standing for a long time;
  • the piriformis muscle can be palpated by relaxing the muscles of the buttocks;
  • pain in the back of the leg when tapping on the piriformis muscle;
  • blanching of the skin on the leg;
  • periodic spasms of leg vessels, etc.

A doctor will be able to accurately determine the presence of a symptom of the piriformis muscle after an examination.

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Causes of Piriformis Syndrome:

  • spinal injury;
  • hypothermia;
  • problems in the sacroiliac joint;
  • injuries;
  • lumbar stenosis;
  • failed injections;
  • muscle overtraining.

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Exercises to relieve pain from Piriformis Syndrome

The best decision you can make if you suspect Piriformis Syndrome, – contact a specialist. After confirming the diagnosis, he will prescribe a complex of treatment, which may include:

  • drug therapy (pain medications);
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercises;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • Acupuncture.

In order to avoid worsening your condition, recommends that you strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor.

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Stretching exercises to help with Piriformis Syndrome

Given the location of the piriformis muscle, it can be concluded that static stretching is appropriate. It is important to perform actions carefully, without sudden movements and, of course, daily.

  1. Outer Thigh Stretch

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Lie on your back and bend one leg at the knee. With the opposite hand, grab the knee and move it to the extreme point, as shown in the figure. Hold your knee for 20-30 seconds. Repeat steps 3-5 times (preferably thrice a day).

  1. Piriformis Stretch

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Lie on your back. Bend both legs at the knees, resting both feet on the floor. Place the outer edge of the foot you are about to stretch at approximately the level of the knee of the other leg. Grasp your thigh with your hands (see picture) and pull your knee towards your chest. You should feel the stretch in your buttocks. You need to stay in the position for 30 seconds, and repeat – 3-5 times (3 times a day).

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  1. Adductor Longus Stretch

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Sit on the floor. Keep your back straight. Extend your straight legs to the sides as much as possible. As you exhale, lean forward. After 30 seconds, return to the PI.

  1. Adductor brevis stretch

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Sit on the floor. Bring the soles of your feet together. Use your elbows to gently press on your knees to properly stretch the muscles. You should feel a slight tension on your inner thigh. Stretch duration – 30 seconds, number of repetitions – 3-5 times.

Exercises to strengthen the piriformis

  1. Exercise with an expander

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Fix one end of the expander around the ankle, the other – on an immovable object close to the floor. Take your leg to the side without bending it at the knee. After reaching the maximum point, slowly put your foot back. Repeat 15 times. Do 2 sets.

  1. Lying on your side

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Lie on your side with the thigh you will be working on top. Bend your knees and place them so that your feet are in line with your spine. Keeping your ankles together, lift your top knee up. The back and pelvis remain motionless – all movement comes from the hip. Repeat 15 times. Do 2 sets.

  1. Thigh Stretch

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Get on all fours. Shift your weight off the leg you will be working with. Without straightening the leg at the knee, lift it off the floor so that the sole of the foot looks up. Slowly lower your leg to almost the starting position. Repeat 15 times. Do 2 sets.

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Stretching exercises can help relieve piriformis syndrome, and strengthening exercises will reduce the risk of the problem recurring. However, reminds you that before doing stretching and exercises, you must obtain confirmation of the diagnosis and permission from the doctor.

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