Сосудистая сетка на ногах: как убрать народными методами

Formations of light purple, pink or red color in the form of cobwebs on the legs in medicine is called telangiectasia, and in the people it is simply "vascular network, asterisks".

In themselves, these formations are not a disease, they only indicate problems in the human venous system or hormonal imbalance.

Vascular network is seen in 90% of the older population. Women suffer more from the hated stars, and the first manifestations begin at the age of 25.

Today's medicine offers a lot of ways to eliminate the venous network, but nature offers its own methods of struggle. What exactly will the Internet edition estet-portal.com.

1. Why does the venous network appear on the legs

2. Medical ways to eliminate the vascular network

3. How to remove asterisks using folk methods

Why does the venous network appear on the legs

There are many reasons for the development of such an aesthetic problem. Often a person is predisposed to the development of vein network from birth, as this is inherent in heredity.

People with "standing" work: consultants, hairdressers, cooks. Due to the constant load, the legs do not have time to rest, and venous mesh.

Hormonal changes in the body have a negative impact on the vascular system. This applies to women over 50 and pregnant women.

Contraceptives are also harmful. They change hormones, thinning blood vessels and making them sluggish.

Excess weight is harmful both to the whole organism as a whole and to the venous system in particular. Therefore, almost all pregnant women suffer from spider veins.

The reasons for the appearance of venous mesh are also bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes dilate and thin the blood vessels.

It is also worth noting chronic inflammation of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands as factors in the development of the venous network on the legs.

All these reasons can influence not only the formation of asterisks, but also the appearance of other dangerous vascular pathologies of the skin.

Medical ways to eliminate the vascular network

If a woman has noticed an active formation of a venous network, it is necessary to consult a phlebologist, and preferably in a specialized clinic for cardiovascular diseases.

There, the specialist will determine the cause and suggest methods for eliminating the defect. Among the medical methods offered:

1. Microthermocoagulation – sealing capillaries with a special electrode. It is used for venous mesh up to 0.2 mm in diameter.

2. Microsclerapy – gluing the lumens of the capillaries with a special substance that is injected with a thin needle. It is used for vascular mesh from 0.2 mm in diameter.

3. Ozone therapy – saturation of the vessels with an ozone mixture, which is injected through a thin needle. This leads to the oxidation of the vessel walls and the disappearance of spider veins.

4. Photocoagulation – destruction of blood vessels with a laser. The laser first glues the vessel at a temperature of 70°C, then destroys them. Procedure for small vessels is acceptable.

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How to remove asterisks using folk methods

If medical removal of the vascular network is too expensive for you, or if the asterisks appear singly, you can use folk methods of elimination.

In any case, you first need to see a doctor to determine the extent of the lesion. After all, spider veins can be a signal of a more serious disease.

Traditional medicine is rich in useful natural substances that will help get rid of vascular network.

Apple cider vinegar. Rub a small amount of vinegar into problem skin 3 times a day. The procedure is carried out from 2 to 4 weeks until the stars disappear completely.

Green tomatoes. Red tomatoes are not suitable in this case, since they do not contain a special acid that affects blood vessels. Cut the green fruit into thin slices and apply to the affected areas for 5 minutes. Then remove and moisturize your feet with cream. Do the procedure for at least 10 days.

Cabbage leaves. They are also able to secrete the necessary substance that helps to eliminate the vascular network. Scald the cabbage leaf and cool in the refrigerator. Do a dressing with a cabbage leaf at night, before that you can smear the leg with vinegar.

Oak bark and chamomile. 3 tbsp. oak bark pour half a liter of boiling water, 100 g of chamomile – one litre. Infuse the mixture for 2 hours, then mix and do foot baths for half an hour.

Needles and chamomile. Pour 2 cups of needles with a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes, filter and combine with chamomile infusion according to the recipe above. Add some warm water and soak your feet for 30 minutes.

Calendula and chamomile. Pour half a glass of chamomile and calendula flowers with a liter of boiling water, leave for 40-60 minutes and filter. Pour into a bowl and steam your feet, diluting with water. For an additional effect, moistened gauze can be applied to the affected areas.

Venous mesh spoils the aesthetic appearance of beautiful legs and indicates problems in the vascular system. You can't do nothing.

Medicine offers a huge range of services to eliminate the disease, but they are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, you can first use the methods of traditional medicine, which have repeatedly shown their effectiveness.

Contrast showers, eating products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels, playing sports and maintaining proper nutrition will help you prevent the formation of vein network or prevent the problem from worsening.

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