Советы экспертов: как не поправиться бросая курить

Most smokers are ready to justify their unwillingness to quit smoking in any way possible. One of the weighty arguments that a person does not want to give up this bad habit is the fear of gaining weight. But is our weight, and especially its increase, really so dependent on smoking? The editors of Estet-portal decided to sort out this issue.

Today we will tell you what we managed to find out, and also tell you how to stop smoking without harm to your figure.

What is the effect of smoking on the human body

Almost everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. Both non-smokers and smokers themselves. First of all, this bad habit affects the condition of the human lungs and can cause lung cancer. In addition, smoking worsens the condition of the skin, complexion. What can we say about bad breath and yellowed nails. But it turns out that smoking can have a positive effect on the body.


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We've previously talked about some of the studies that talked about the benefits of bad habits. Of course, to a greater extent, the positive effect is due to the fact that the body is trying to cope with substances that poison the body and due to this, metabolism is accelerated. So smoking one pack of cigarettes burns 150 kcal.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking

In addition to an accelerated metabolism, smoking contributes to a decrease in appetite. This is due to the fact that nicotine suppresses taste buds. At the same time, glycogen is released in the body, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. It is also worth noting that while a person smokes, as well as during the use of sweets, dopamine is released in the body – one of the hormones of happiness. That is why a person who quits smoking:

  • irritability increases;
  • sleep worsens;
  • Degraded performance.

And accordingly, a person is trying to find a replacement for smoking. And often the choice falls on food.

What should I do to avoid gaining weight by quitting smoking

For our brain, the processes of smoking and eating are quite similar. Therefore, quitting smoking, a person begins to eat more. Another reason to replace smoking with various goodies – this is an attempt to make up for the lack of dopamine. But, these can be dealt with by following a few simple rules:

  1. Eat little but often. Don't know how much you need to eat? Place two palms together as if holding something. Exactly how much should be one serving.

  2. Spice your food richly with various spices and herbs. After quitting smoking, the sensations intensify and seasoned foods that smell great will not need to be salted.

  3. Give up alcohol. After all, drinking alcohol provokes a desire to eat something and smoke.

  4. Supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. After all, smokers often have a lack of useful trace elements.

  5. Walk more and those 150 kcal that were burned by a pack of cigarettes will leave without harm to health.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you not to get better by quitting smoking.

It's important to remember! In the body of a smoker, nicotinic acid ceases to be produced, which affects many metabolic processes in the human body. You can make up for its lack by using the following products: buckwheat; wholemeal bread; legumes; baked potato; raw mushrooms. These products should be included in the daily diet and consumed on an equal basis with others.

The most healthy foods for the heart.

And don't forget about snacks. No cookies or sandwiches. Nuts and fruits – Here's what you need for a healthy snack. And then no extra pounds will scare you and will not prevent you from quitting smoking. The editors of Estet-portal wish you always stay healthy and beautiful. We hope that our advice will help you get rid of a bad habit without harm to your figure.

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