Стрижка горячими ножницами: польза или вред для волос

Every girl faces dull, dry and split hair. Such a problem brings only grief, because how can you make a beautiful hairstyle when the curls are naughty and fluffy? And the reason for this is the love for hair dryers, irons, curling irons and other devices for drying and styling. To avoid trouble with the hair, hairdressers and stylists recommend trimming the ends every 2-3 months. For this purpose, they advise resorting to cutting with hot scissors. But for many ladies, this method raises doubts about its safety. What is actually hidden under such an event? The whole truth will be revealed to you by estet-portal.com.

Thermal haircut: how it differs from the classic procedure

A hot haircut is practically no different from a regular haircut. The only difference is that the classic procedure uses simple hairdressing scissors, while the newfangled – electric tool that is equipped with a thermal element and is mains operated.

The essence of cutting with hot scissors is that the master sets the temperature on the device, which is selected depending on the type and structure of the client's hair. For thin and light curls, a low temperature is selected – 110 degrees, and for dark and thick – 150 degrees. Then the specialist cuts either the tips themselves, or makes a full haircut.

Thermal haircut lasts longer than the classic procedure. And all because the master carefully processes each strand, twisting it into a tight tourniquet and cutting those ends that have come out.

In order to understand how the electrical device works, let's take a look at the structure of the curls. Hair – it is, in essence, a core, inside of which there are nutrients that make the hair healthy and beautiful. And it is protected from the outside by small scales that fit snugly to the rod. When the curls are weakened, the scales exfoliate, and the rods lose a significant part of the nutrients. As a result, the hair becomes lifeless, brittle and dull, and the ends begin to split.

After the usual procedure, an open section remains on the curl. And after a while, the tips are cut, and almost along the entire length. And when cutting with hot scissors, the tips are heated and sealed under the influence of temperature, sealing all the useful substances inside, thus preventing further damage.
Experts recommend to resort to such an event every three months if your goal is to grow long hair. And if you like the shape of your hairstyle and you want to "refresh" it, then you need to resort to a thermal haircut once a month.

The procedure is especially suitable for owners of weakened and damaged strands with split ends after frequent dyeing, perming or blow-drying. But it’s only worth considering that this technique does not completely heal the curls, it only heals them and prevents the occurrence of split and brittle hair in the future.

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The main benefits of cutting with hot scissors

Haircut with hot scissors – a real find for those who dream of growing long, thick and healthy hair. The fact is that due to the soldering of the tip, all the nutrients and minerals are preserved in the rod, which do not come out when washing the head, but remain inside. Thus, the curls are protected from the negative effects of the environment.

Among the advantages of this procedure, it should be noted that the effect of hot scissor blades makes the hair thick. This is explained by the fact that the soldered ends of the hair allow the hair to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, due to which they do not break and fall out so much.

Another advantage of such a procedure – complete security. After all, the electric device does not burn the hair, because it only touches the ends.

Disadvantages of thermal shearing: what to consider

When deciding on a haircut with hot scissors, you must be prepared for the disadvantages of the procedure, among which one should highlight the significant high cost. Unlike trimming the ends with conventional tools, an event with hot scissors costs several times more. But to achieve the desired effect of such haircuts, you need to do several. And it may not be affordable for everyone. It is also necessary to take into account that you have to sit in the hairdressing chair for at least an hour. And if you come across an inexperienced master who will select a high temperature for your hair, you cannot do without deplorable consequences. Therefore, your curls should be trusted only by an experienced specialist.

Read also: What to do if your hair splits

How to take care of your hair after thermal cutting

To consolidate the result, it is necessary to provide proper hair care after visiting a beauty salon. Regularly use nourishing and moisturizing masks that suit your type of curls. Also forget about curling irons, irons, hair dryers and other devices for drying and styling curls. In this way, you will keep the effect of a hot haircut for up to 2 months.

Given all the positive and negative aspects of cutting with hot scissors, we came to the conclusion that such a procedure is completely safe. She revives the curls, making them well-groomed and beautiful.

See also: Salon hair treatments: understanding the terms

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