Under the bright label of your favorite product, only preservatives and flavors that are unnecessary for the body can be hidden. At the same time, such delicacies are usually not cheap, since their promotion is accompanied by loud, memorable advertising. Before you send them to your food basket, think about whether you really need to replenish your body with another dose of dyes and harmful substances and at the same time spend money in vain. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the TOP 10 most useless foods that have no place on your table.

Dangerous foods: muesli threatens diabetes, and chocolate — caries

  1. Yogurt. This fermented milk product is useful if its shelf life does not exceed five to seven days. A long shelf life indicates a high content of preservatives.
  • Yogurt with a shelf life of more than a week is not healthy.
  1. Muesli. In their favor speaks the high content of natural grains, minerals, fiber. But freeze-dried flakes with various flavors are not needed. As a result of the processing of cereals, only their fragments with a high starch content remain. The latter is responsible for the accumulation of sugar and, consequently, fat in the body.
  • Rapid cereals can lead to excess weight, pancreatic diseases and diabetes.
  1. Sugar. Although this product is derived from sugar beet or sugar cane, it does not contain beneficial nutrients.
  • Replace sugar with honey.
  1. Pasta. The myth about the benefits of pasta arose because of the Italians' addiction to them. However, they do not like pasta at all, but pasta made from durum wheat. It is she who provides the body with healthy carbohydrates and nutrients that improve metabolism.
  • The usual pasta does not have the qualities of pastes. They are made from soft varieties of wheat, and therefore saturate the body only with energy.
  1. Black chocolate. The benefits of chocolate are nothing more than a myth. The only thing that speaks in his favor is an increase in the blood level of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, the lack of which can cause depression.
  • Researchers believe that if you eat a lot of chocolate to improve serotonin synthesis, then this is more likely to cause an urgent visit to the dentist, rather than contribute to hormonal shifts.

Mistresses, don't waste money on useless products! Cook yourself

  1. Chewing gum. The myth that chewing gum saves teeth from caries, — nothing more than a publicity stunt.
  • Chewing gum can cause damage to tooth enamel, and if used frequently in children — cause a malocclusion.
  1. Sushi ready. This Japanese dish has a beneficial effect on the body: rice cleanses it, and fish nourishes it with useful fatty acids. But only if the sushi was served immediately after preparation.
  • Sushi sets sold in stores have no useful properties.
  1. Chips. These snacks, like chewing gum, have received widespread recognition through advertising.
    Today, manufacturers are trying to prepare the so-called healthy chips from vegetables and fruits. However, like potatoes, they are of no use.
  2. Canned juices. Natural freshly squeezed juices are beneficial for the body due to the high content of vitamins. Packaged and canned contain only water and concentrate.
  • Juice at home. This way you will get vitaminized drinks and do not waste your money.

10. Bouillon cubes complete the TOP 10 unnecessary products. Homemade soups and bouillon cubes are united only by taste. The latter do not contain useful elements inherent in homemade first courses, but are a source of preservatives, dyes, flavors and salt.

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