The recent report of the World Health Organization about the dangers of meat did not cause much sensation. Too many previous studies have indicated in favor of vegetarianism. Moreover, a few remarks that the infrequent consumption of this dangerous product does not threaten health retribution at all.
However, besides meat, there are many other products, the consumption of which can become dangerous, especially for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The difficulty lies in the fact that healthy foods can become that very unhealthy food if you do not exercise due vigilance. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 products that require special treatment.
Junk Food: Clean hands will help keep it safe from bacteria
1. Sprouts. Eating them for breakfast is considered a sign of good tone and health. At the same time, few people remember the insidiousness of sprouts that develop in a humid environment, which bacteria, including salmonella, love so much.
- If you don't know where the sprouts came from in the salad, it's best not to eat it.
2. Sauce in the Imperial salad. Some restaurants serve it prepared according to the classic recipe, that is, with the addition of raw eggs to the sauce. And this already threatens with salmonella.
- If you don't know how this salad was prepared, substitute it for a less refined but safer one. For example, vegetable.
3. Salads. Such a dangerous food, advocated by nutritionists, can also become a source of serious bacteria. Bacteria can get on tender lettuce leaves at any time: when harvesting, cooking, and even eating.
- If the vegetables were not washed well enough or if they were cooked by a sick person, then the threat of infectious diseases increases.
- Bacteria die only at high temperatures. And since salads are made from fresh vegetables, they can be present in them.
4. Oysters. This popular aphrodisiac is usually enjoyed on vacation. Raw seafood, especially oysters, can contain the bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificu, which cause stomach pain and severe diarrhea.
- For people suffering from liver disease or struggling with cancer, such poisoning can be fatal.
5. Watermelons. These sweet berries not only wash the kidneys well. They can also hide Listerii bacteria in their pulp, which only die when exposed to high temperatures.
Junk food: what threatens undercooked and overcooked meat
6. Chicken. The meat of this bird may contain salmonella bacteria. Fortunately, they die during heat treatment. So, if the bird was well fried, there is nothing to fear.
- Be careful when eating grilled chicken. Before you eat it, you should make sure that the fillet looks as attractive as a golden crust.
7. Tomatoes can also be a source of salmonella.
- When cooking tomatoes, it is better to scald them, or at least wash them well.
8. Stuffed eggs. They are the decoration of the festive table. But if the eggs were stored incorrectly, the risk
9. Pasta salads can contain staphylococcus bacteria, which easily migrate over the skin. That is why the rule that hands must be washed is unshakable.
10. Fried meat. Most of the bacteria that cause food poisoning are killed during cooking. But if you overdo it and over-fry it, then you can provoke an increase in carcinogens.
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