Топ-5 сексуальных фантазий женщин: как они появляются и стоит ли ими делиться

Traditionally, erotic fantasies — male prerogative. For women, they say, a romantic atmosphere and gentle biting on the ear are enough. And if already if she is a faithful wife and a respectable mother, then and should first of all think about family, and not about love games. In this article we will prove that the sexual fantasies of women — an integral part of their intimate life. And at the same time, let's figure out if it is normal to have fantasies about sex and should share these thoughts with your partner.

Why women's sexual fantasies arise

Lovers' first sex is beautiful and exciting. The second one is not worse. In  the tenth year of marriage, the choice between sex and a new series is no longer always in favor of the former. The effect of novelty, alas, disappears, plus a load of all sorts of quarrels, domestic problems, and fatigue is imposed. But sex is still important and necessary, and you can diversify it in dreams. This is where sexual fantasies come in.

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Everyone fantasizes, both women and men. Men in their dreams focus on the   picture”, while women fantasize on a grand scale, come up with complex scenarios. If a man imagines sex with a teacher, then he draws her image in detail, and only. If a woman dreams of sex with a noble knight, her fantasy will be a battle, a royal castle,  white walkers.

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In most cases, women's sexual fantasies are "played out" with the purpose of being aroused and tune in sex. But & nbsp; they are also needed in order to & nbsp; virtually, but & nbsp; give "good" to your inner passions. They can also mean a desire to escape from reality, hide from problems in an ideal world, where someone strong will take on the main role and do everything right.

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Top 5 Popular Female Fantasies

We we are all different, but              there are similarities in many ways. Let's take a look at the most popular women's sex dreams and find out what's behind them.

  • Submission. A beautiful prisoner, a sleeping beauty, a hostage... one could go on and on, but behind all this one can see the desire to shift responsibility for everything that happens to someone else. This is how a woman can fantasize, whose subconscious mind considers sex dirty and shameless (hello to strict upbringing and "we have no sex").

  • Sex with a woman. This is the second most popular sexual fantasy. And this is not at all hidden homosexuality, rather it is an attempt to discard constraint and to be yourself. Perhaps a woman lacks sincere attention from her partner's side, interest in her desires, and she cannot fully open up to him.

  • Group sex. If a woman imagines herself with two or more men, it is often a compensation for the lack of male attention now or in the past. Imagined sex with a man woman — desire for something new, avoidance of monotony.

  • Peeping. Imagine yourself watching a sexual act, this is an echo of youthful, timid attempts to know the forbidden fruit. Here, the desire to "watch" to the end, and the fear of being caught, which gives it a thrill.

  • Sex with non-existent character. Seeing yourself as the heroine of Valeggio's paintings or imagining sex with comic book hero — this is a kind of escape from reality into the world of permissiveness, where everything is possible, and nothing will happen to you. Such sexual fantasies of women can speak of some infantilism, unwillingness to grow up and accept life as it is.

Is it bad to fantasize? Not at all, if these fantasies do not become obsessive or indispensable in order to become aroused in principle. Otherwise, it is better to consult with a sexopathologist or psychologist.

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To share or not: what not to tell your partner

Conditionally, women's sexual fantasies can be divided into two groups: characters or scenarios. In the first case, the woman imagines herself in the arms of someone else (or another, or even not in the arms). In second — introduces himself and his partner in an unusual situation, such as he rescues during a robbery.

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If a man is ready for  experiments in sex, you can talk about his fantasies, but only by framing it as an offer to try something new. It is quite possible that he also dreams of something similar and is also silent. Such confessions can only in plus and give new sensations, return passion to the marital bedroom.

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About the what you definitely shouldn spread is about your thoughts about the other, even if it is a mythical character. Men for the most part guess what the sexual fantasies of women are about and what place is assigned to a permanent partner there. But it is not worth talking about even in the most frank conversations. He is the the on in thoughts, and in reality, and period. And photos of Ryan Gosling in phone it's so, beautiful picture and nothing else.

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