It is important that the basis of our diet is green foods. There are many of them, and many – very nutritious. At the same time, such products are less caloric than those that have a yellow or red color. It is also noteworthy that among the green products there are those that have a negative calorie content, i.e., processing such food, the body spends more energy than it acquires with it. Green foods are endowed with a fair amount of minerals and vitamins, in particular, calcium, which is necessary for bones, teeth, and vision. Another important reason to actively include green products in your menu – detox effect due to a considerable amount of fiber in their composition.

Green diet for every day

More than 100 useful green products are known, but we will present those that it is desirable to pay closer attention to.

  1. Avocado

This fruit plant contains a wonderful anti-inflammatory compound that studies have shown to help reduce chronic pain.

Avocado is rich in potassium (for example, in one fruit it is about 700 mg; for comparison, in a banana of this element is only – 400 mg), magnesium. Also this green fruit – an inexhaustible source of vitamin B and healthy fats.

In particular, thanks to the latter, the fruit enhances the benefits of other foods, because with the participation of fats, the absorption of natural antioxidants is better: lycopene, lutein, etc. Therefore, it is good to combine avocados, for example, with red foods.

  1. Pistachios

The systematic use of these nuts helps to strengthen the heart, bone tissue and prevents the destructive activity of free radicals in the body. Other types of nuts do not compare to pistachios in terms of fiber content (it is equivalent to the amount of vegetable fibers in a serving of oatmeal).

All of this ensures that pistachios are not the last in the list of green superfoods.

  1. Spinach

This vegetable, like no other, contains an incredible combination of useful elements and vitamins. Spinach in your diet will help enrich the body with vitamins A and C, a complete "kit"; B vitamins, other useful elements. And organic pigments – carotenoids – As part of the vegetable, they serve as protection against visual impairment, often characteristic of the elderly. Fresh spinach is most beneficial.


  1. Kale

This cabbage – storehouse of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. In particular, it contains 25 mg of calcium per glass. In addition, it is an excellent source of antioxidants. Such an impressive set makes kale an indispensable product in our diet and a leader in dietary nutrition. 

  1. Nopal

The Mexican cactus, which is rare in our pure form (but it is not difficult to find it in the form of a dietary supplement), is incredibly beneficial for the body. Nopal contains 17 of the known 22 amino acids. But its main value lies in the huge amount of minerals and vitamins, antidiabetic action, the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and regulate body weight. 

Daily consumption of green products in the optimal amount helps to improve the systemic health of the body, normalizes metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and the lutein contained in them protects the eyes from negative age-related changes – macular degeneration and cataracts.

And most importantly – how much green food you don't eat – will only be useful. Therefore, by all means include in your diet the above products, as well as green apples, bell peppers, beans, grapes, olives, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, kiwi, arugula, peas, asparagus, etc.

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