Тусклый цвет кожи лица: в чем причины дефекта

It's no secret that the face of – it is a person's calling card. It is this part of the body that reflects the social status, lifestyle and physical condition. However, not everyone's facial skin shines with beauty and health. Dull, rough, earthy-gray dermis, complemented by dark under-eye circles, clogged pores, and pigmentation – it is this problem that is often found in most people living in megacities. For this reason, they are often attributed to a tired and sickly look. And in order to hide the lifeless complexion of the skin, various foundations, powders and other concealers are used. But this only makes it worse. Therefore, the problem should not be hidden, but treated. And before you do this, you need to find out where its roots lie. The online publication estet-portal.com will help you with this.

Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits

Often, a dull complexion is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. So, many men and women resort to smoking. Such a bad habit negatively affects the condition of the skin. It begins to fade and age faster.

Toxic substances found in tobacco smoke provoke spasm of the capillaries of the dermis and increase carbon monoxide. Because of this, blood supply and oxygen supply to the cells are disrupted. The result is free radicals that damage healthy cells.

Alcohol consumption also negatively affects the condition of the skin. In addition to poisoning the body with toxins, it leads to dehydration of the body, as a result of which the skin becomes dry and fading.
Another bad habit that affects skin color – lack of sleep. When a person sleeps for 4 hours a day (or even less) every day in connection with work, entertainment and other matters, sleep deprivation develops into a chronic form. The skin simply does not have time to rest and recover, which leads to pallor and lifelessness of the dermis. In addition, her cells begin to age prematurely.

Lack of vitamins, minerals, fluids and air

Modern urban rhythm of life leaves its mark on the skin of the face. She becomes as if not alive. Often this happens due to a lack of vitamins and macronutrients, which serve as building materials for new cells. The fact is that at a fast pace, a person does not always find time for proper nutrition. Starvation and rigid diets for weight loss are also at the peak of popularity. When the skin does not receive sufficient nourishment, it becomes depleted and the aging process begins.
Pure water also plays a key role. Without it, full-fledged life processes are impossible.

Water shortage – this is a direct way to dehydration of the dermis. When a person receives insufficient liquid, dryness, roughness and dullness appear on his skin. In addition, it becomes less elastic.

The pale color of the skin of the face also indicates that the cells practically do not breathe. Without oxygen, impurities are not removed from the pores, and nutrients are absorbed very poorly. And as a result, the dermis acquires an unaesthetic appearance. The reason for the lack of oxygen is poor ecology, when industrial emissions reduce air quality and people breathe smog. Rare walks on the street also affect the deterioration of skin tone.

Sedentary lifestyle: computer and lack of physical activity

Computer – the most used gadget in the world. Some people are obliged to sit behind him work. And for others, such a device is purely entertainment. But as in the first, and in the second case, sitting at the computer all day long negatively affects the color of the skin of the face. As a result of a long stay in one position, overstrain and spasm of the muscles of the neck-collar region occur, which leads to circulatory disorders. And this is fraught with dullness and lifelessness of the skin of the face.
The dermis also suffers if a person ignores exercise. But they disperse the blood throughout the body and thus supply the dermis with oxygen.

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Excessive tanning or tanning bed

Sunbathing and solarium certainly give the skin a beautiful tan. But if ultraviolet is abused, the result can be the opposite: the skin will look dull and unattractive. After all, its excess damages the upper layer of the epidermis, resulting in photoaging and the formation of hyperpigmentation. The dermis loses its former elasticity, becomes dry and less radiant. Tanning and solarium are especially harmful to delicate and sensitive skin. She quickly loses her color and begins to age. Also keep in mind: exposure to ultraviolet light often leads to such a dangerous disease as skin cancer.

Insufficient or improper skin care

The dermis may look tired and pale due to improper or insufficient care. Staying in a noisy and polluted city, toxins, dirt and dust settle on the surface of the face. You can also add dead cells here. Together with sebum, all this gives the dermis an ugly appearance, characterized by the presence of black dots, acne and other defects. If every day you do not cleanse the skin of the accumulated “garbage” or wash with dirty hands, it becomes dull and "lifeless" appearance. Also, as a result of inflammation that appeared on the face due to microbes and bacteria, ugly scars can remain on the surface for life.
All of the above reasons are the most popular. However, if you regularly take care of your skin, walk in the fresh air and do not have bad habits, and the problem does not recede, perhaps its cause lies inside. Dull skin color is often a sign of constipation, dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis and other diseases.

How to revitalize complexion

It is quite possible to remove dullness and grayness from the skin of the face and breathe new life into it. Main – readjust yourself to the right way of life. And that means if you smoke – quit this addiction if you sleep little – take a few hours in your day for a healthy sleep, and if you practically don’t walk in the fresh air – take at least short walks in the morning before work and on weekends. Also, don't forget to make time for exercise. And it is very important to change your menu. Instead of harmful cakes, buns and sandwiches, eat healthy cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products. And don't eat on the go. It is advisable to eat in small portions, but often. Make it a habit to drink more water – at least 1.5 liters per day. Besides, do not forget to take care of your skin: wash off cosmetics in time, do masks and peeling. And only then your skin will again shine with healthy whiteness and blush.

Read also: Seven deadly sins against the skin: why very dry skin

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