Smoking adversely affects the human body – and everyone knows this, including smokers themselves. But they still do not want to give up their habit, referring to various excuses. However, the negative impact of cigarettes from this does not decrease in any way, does not disappear anywhere.
The editors of will talk about how daily smoking affects the female and male body. What are the differences in the systematic use of a whole table of harmful substances for people of different sexes?
How smoking affects the female body
One thing common to people of both sexes – Smoking negatively affects the state of all systems and organs of the body. First of all, the respiratory system, but the brain and gastrointestinal tract, hearing and vision, sense of smell, skin, etc. also suffer. But there are a number of features for representatives of different sexes in how nicotine reduces health, wears out the body.
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If we talk about women, then nicotine addiction is one of the leading factors that lead to infertility. The frequency of inflammatory diseases in the organs of the female reproductive system is increasing. Even if a woman quit smoking before pregnancy, the consequences for the body are such that there is a high risk of not carrying a fetus – miscarriage may occur. Premature pregnancies are also very common among ex-smokers with experience. And if a woman does not want to become pregnant and takes oral contraceptives, then the risk of a heart attack increases.
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are at higher risk of respiratory cancer. However, in most cases they cope better with it, the percentage of recovered women is higher. But this does not change the fact that cancer – a dangerous disease that cannot be cured in its advanced stages.
Read also:The impact of tobacco smoke on human genetics The metabolic processes in the female body are faster, so nicotine intoxication occurs much faster. It is this factor that contributes to the fact that the negative effect of nicotine manifests itself much faster. So, if a woman started smoking at the age of 20, then by the age of 30 her skin will acquire an earthy hue, wrinkles will appear. As a rule, smokers age earlier – both externally and, judging by the state of the organs.
Read also:Skin and smoking – how cigarettes destroy youth and beauty Smoking increases the risk of a heart attack – and in women it is 25% higher than in men. They also have menopause earlier, the blood supply to the genital organs is significantly deteriorating. Frequent are hormonal disorders, problems with the regularity of the cycle. Women who smoke have a 50% increased risk of developing cervical cancer – and that's a huge number.
How smoking affects the male body Harm of smoking – how cigarettes accelerate agingFirst of all, the blood supply to the genital organs worsens, and the secretion of sex hormones is also disturbed. All this leads to a decrease in libido, deterioration of erection. Men who smoke have a 4-5 times higher risk of "getting" impotence or erectile dysfunction.
In addition to the deterioration of the very quality of sexual life, a man risks his unborn child and his health. So, a smoking father – This is a threefold increase in the risk of having a child with congenital defects of the respiratory, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems. That is, a child can be born seriously ill or disabled. It is a mistake to believe that the entire responsibility for the health of the baby lies only with the woman. In the conception «participate» two – and the father's genetic material is just as important as the mother's.
Smoking negatively affects
the health of any person – men and women. It is literally daily consumption of a poison that slowly kills. People with such a bad habit grow old earlier, get sick more, and not only they have health problems – but also their children. Therefore, consider whether it is worth indulging your weakness for the sake of such consequences.
Read also: What diseases of the oral cavity are caused by smoking
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