Tatar – it is unaesthetic and harmful. As a hardened dark deposit on the surface of the teeth, it damages the enamel, injures the gums and provokes bad breath.
In addition, tartar is a breeding ground for bacteria that lead to caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums.
To avoid such an outcome and return your teeth to their natural whiteness, it is necessary to remove hardened deposits in a timely manner. A dentist can help with this. But tartar removal can be done at home with the help of
2. Infusion of oak bark against hardened formation
3. Aloe Vera Pulp – agent that kills bacteria
4. Orange peel – gently destroys plaque
5. Walnut for tartar removal
Scaling with baking soda
Soda is good not only in the kitchen for preparing various dishes, but also for removing
tartar. This food product creates an alkaline environment in which all harmful bacteria die. In addition, it has a whitening effect. Here's a simple recipe for you: wet a toothbrush in warm water, pour a small amount of baking soda on it, and then rinse your mouth with warm water.
There are also alternatives:• 2 tsp baking soda mixed with 1 tsp. salt. Then we dip a wet toothbrush into this mixture, apply it on the teeth and brush;
Recipes based on soda are recommended to be used no more than 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, you can thin and damage the tooth enamel.
• 1 tsp baking soda is mixed with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide until a paste-like mixture is obtained. We clean our teeth and gums with this product, after which we thoroughly rinse the oral cavity;
• mix soda with lemon
juice. The resulting mixture is applied to the teeth. After a few minutes, spit out the resulting saliva and rinse your mouth. Infusion of oak bark against hardened formation
Oak bark contains a lot of tannins, which are useful in diseases of the teeth. In addition, this gift of nature is great for removing tartar.
oak bark is often used as a decoction to rinse the mouth.
This tool is made very simply:3 tbsp. Pour chopped bark into a saucepan, pour 1 cup boiling water and heat in a water bath for 25 minutes under a closed lid. Then strain the finished product. Rinse your mouth with this purified infusion before each brushing your teeth. Aloe Vera Pulp – agent that kills bacteria
Aloe vera, like onions, eliminates many ailments. The leaves of this herbaceous plant are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances that improve blood circulation, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, increase overall tone, and rejuvenate the skin.
And yet, having antimicrobial properties, the juice from them eliminates bacteria, which are the main "culprit" of plaque and bad breath. That is why it is good to use it for removing tartar.
The recipe is simple:take 1 freshly broken aloe vera leaf, cut it in half and extract the pulp from it. Rub it teeth and gums, and after 10 minutes – rinse with cool water. Repeat this procedure 2 times a day. Orange peel – gently destroys plaque
If you eat oranges, don't rush to throw away their peels. After all, it is a natural teeth whitener. In addition, the peel of this exotic fruit contains substances that destroy plaque without damaging tooth enamel.
Citrus peel is also rich in vitamin C, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria on tooth enamel. And the acids found in the orange soften the tartar.
Dental plaque is well eliminated by solid foods: carrots, apples, beets. So be sure to include these foods in your diet. Just chew them thoroughly.
In order to clean your teeth from plaque,it is enough to wipe them and gums with the inside of fresh orange peel before going to bed, and rinse its remnants in the morning. Carry out this procedure as needed.
Walnut for tartar removal
Walnut shell has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. That is why experts recommend using it to eliminate hard deposits and for
bleeding gums.
The remedy is prepared as follows:boil 40g walnut shells for 20 minutes;
- when this decoction has cooled, strain it;
- then soak your toothbrush in it for 10 minutes;
- then brush your teeth thoroughly.
- Perform this procedure 3 times a day until the plaque disappears.
Each of these folk remedies kills the lion's share of bacteria in the oral cavity, and also eliminates hardened deposits. But no means will help if you care for your teeth incorrectly or if you do not monitor the condition of the oral cavity at all.
Therefore, take note of the following:be sure to brush your teeth in the morning and evening. Do this carefully, working on all sides of the teeth. Also don't forget to clean your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. This will help eliminate bad odors. In addition, rinse your mouth after every meal and use
dental floss to clean hard-to-reach areas. Do not forget to visit the dentist twice a year. Then your teeth will be clean, healthy and snow-white, and your breath – fresh.
Home ways to whiten teeth: 5 professional and 10 traditional methods
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