When problems arise with the limbs or the vertebrae, the doctors of traditional Chinese medicine are absolutely convinced that this process is associated with a loss of harmony between the internal organs. Chinese medicine offers a simple but extremely effective way to restore this harmony called the “Golden Rooster on One Leg” exercise. This technique helps to relieve the symptoms of various diseases, including sciatica, osteochondrosis and diabetes.
Trying to maintain balance, standing on one leg, you affect the channels of the six most important internal organs passing through the soles of the feet. Thanks to this effect, the work of internal organs improves.
Exercise “Golden Rooster on one leg”: execution technique
Close your eyes and freely lower your arms along the body, lift one leg and stand in this position for several minutes, trying to maintain balance. At the same time, the eyes must be closed, so there will be no visual support in maintaining balance, due to which the brain is activated and it is fixed on the task of restoring balance and balance in the internal organs.
When you try to balance while standing on one leg, the weakened channels on the foot can start to hurt, but you should not stop doing the golden rooster on one leg exercise, because this is how they train, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organ.
How useful is the exercise "Golden Rooster on one leg"?
Due to the regular performance of such an exercise, it is possible to concentrate and get rid of absent-mindedness. Since blood and qi descend to the limbs, the condition improves in such diseases:
diabetes and others
In addition, the "Golden Rooster on One Leg" exercise has been shown to help with signs of cerebellar atrophy, Mignère's disease, and gout. If your limbs are constantly freezing, this technique will help to neutralize such a problem, the exercise is unsurpassed strengthens the body's immunity.
Such an exercise should be performed with enthusiasm – Imagine yourself, for example, as a surfer, turn on a cheerful melody. This practice is ideal for the morning period – You will cheer up and cheer yourself up for the whole day.
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