At first glance, it may seem that breathing is such an elementary and natural process, in connection with this it is hard to believe that it is possible to breathe incorrectly. There are special breathing techniques, having learned which you can get rid of excess weight and say goodbye to bad habits forever. Find out in this article what diaphragmatic breathing is and how to do useful breathing exercises.

Diaphragmatic breathing is also called “belly breathing”. With this technique, much more oxygen enters the lungs than with the chest type of inhalation and exhalation of air.

Doctors believe that every person, when they are born, uses diaphragmatic breathing, however, over time, they switch to chest type of breathing.

Benefits of diaphragmatic breathing:

  • the work of most organs and systems improves;
  • clears the lungs and gradually relieves cravings for smoking;
  • enriches the blood with free oxygen;
  • relieves many bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • thanks to this massage, the work of internal organs is significantly improved, as their natural massage is carried out;
  • helps to overcome asthma attacks without medication.


At the same time, this breathing technique contributes to weight loss. Diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss is a whole system of simple exercises that everyone can master. But it should be borne in mind that mastering this technique the first time will not work - the first successes can appear only after the sixth lesson.

Experts advise to conduct such classes either in the morning or in the evening. It is also worth choosing a place responsibly, because no one should disturb you for 30 minutes.


Exercises for training diaphragmatic breathing

Exercise 1. Lie on your back and try to relax completely. Place your right hand on your stomach and your left hand on your chest. Note that the left hand is raised up while the right hand remains in place. When inhaling, begin to work with the stomach so that the right hand rises and falls, and the left remains motionless.

If you feel that the process is accompanied by slight dizziness - this is not an alarming sign, on the contrary, if you feel slightly dizzy - you are doing everything right, and your blood begins to be saturated with oxygen.

Exercise 2. Remaining on your back, place a book on your stomach. Thanks to this “weighting agent”, you will be able to better feel the movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles during breathing.

Exercise 3. You should proceed to this exercise only if the dizziness after the two previous exercises has passed. If you ignore this moment, you can simply lose consciousness.

Get on all fours and mimic the dog breathing. The abdominal muscles should be relaxed and the mouth open. If circumstances allow, you can stick out your tongue to make it more believable.

Be aware that diaphragmatic breathing exercises can harm people who have a tendency to hypertension, so you should consult a doctor before starting such exercises.

Having mastered the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, you will be able to manage your weight and improve your well-being significantly.

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