«Весь в отца»: влияние генов на характер человека

How much does genetics determine a person's personality? Is the role of upbringing and lifestyle in the formation of character or in any conditions its traits genetically laid down? These questions interested both scientists and ordinary people. It is not so easy to study the influence of genes, but experts nevertheless came to some unambiguous conclusions. I wonder to what extent
your genotype determines your personality
? We picked up some interesting facts that explain the genetic and acquired differences in people.

  • "Character Inherited: The Influence of Genes on Human Character
  • Major myths about genetics: that genes don not influence
  • Can can fix bad heredity
  • Character Inherited: The Influence of Genes on Human Character

The fact that genes largely determine the appearance of a person is no longer in doubt. Who does look like, mom or dad? — This is the most popular question parents hear. So why can't temperament be inherited in the same way as eye color or body build? It turns out it can.

Follow us on Telegram However, the influence of genes on character is not direct, i.e. e. there is no kindness gene or greed gene. But they determine the sensitivity to hormones, and those already"rule" our emotions. Thus, the DRD4 gene determines the sensitivity of neurons to dopamine (the hormone of joy, anticipation, excitement). There are many variants (alleles) of this gene, they were even divided into groups: 2R, 3R, 4R ... 11R. Someone will have low sensitivity to dopamine, such a person can live in one place all his life, for him to change his usual environment — stress.  someone — vice versa — sensitivity to & nbsp; dopamine will be high.

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The genes that determine sensitivity to  oxytocin are responsible for  empathy, kinship, affection. And those that determine sensitivity to testosterone "decide" how aggressive are you. In addition to hormonal settings, genes also influence the synthesis of enzymes, and those, in turn, are involved in many processes in the body. For example, the influence of genes on aldehyde oxidation has been proven. Yes, the very one that is formed after drinking alcohol and affects the degree of intoxication. Therefore, someone "cuts down" after one shot, and someone can drink liters.



How is a set of genes transmitted, can influence its formation? The human genotype is determined at the moment of conception. Egg and sperm — carriers of paired chromosomes, which, merging, exchange their parts in a random way. The result is a unique set of genes. Therefore, parents can have completely different children both externally and by character. But all the same, they inherit certain traits, just with different degrees of probability. And, yes, scientists

cannot influence this probability yet.

Major myths about genetics: that genes don not influence

It turns out that if the influence of genes is so great, then nothing depends on us? It's not I lazy, it my genetics — can you say that already? No, in fact, genes only set some limits, but do not dictate our every step. And some aspects are not affected at all. Here are some examples where genes don't matter:

    Volitional Decisions.
  • Genes may determine your tendency to smoking or alcoholism, but they don't stop you from quitting. Everyone can give up bad habits, just not everyone wants to.

  • Lifespan.
  • Scientists estimated the effect of genes on this factor at 7%. The remaining 93% depend entirely on lifestyle.

  • Development of oncological diseases
  • . Predisposition to certain types of cancer can be inherited, this is a fact. But far from to all types of cancer. The genetic cause of the development was proved only in & nbsp; 10% of the detected tumors.

  • Sporting achievements.
  • Genes will determine the type of figure, but abs they won pump you up. Even if there are three generations of athletes in your family, this does not mean that your performance in sports — without regular classes — will be taller than peers.

  • Love for order.
  • And also punctuality, responsibility, politeness and many other personality traits that are entirely dependent on environment and upbringing. The example of parents for children is very important, and no genes will teach you how to fold things and greet grandmothers at the porch. Only mom and dad.


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The study of the influence of genes on character and personality traits began relatively recently. And although scientists assign a large role to the genetic factor, they never get tired of repeating that a lot depends on the person himself. And genetic predisposition — it is

only a predisposition.

Can Is it possible to fix bad heredity

In the influence of genes on character many have learned from experience. Unfortunately, among these many — adoptive parents and guardians of children from the orphanage. Despite  all the love and care that surrounded the children, some of them still got on the crooked path, started drinking, stealing money from their parents. What can you do, heredity — say in such cases.

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It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of inheriting a particular character trait. And a lot needs to be invested in raising children with bad heredity. Realizing the risks, you can "lay straws" — to protect the child from bad influences, to create optimal conditions for the development of good qualities. But even this is not a guarantee that in one unbeautiful day the child will not show his worst side.



Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally that upbringing is everything. But and letting everything go by itself, they say you cannot fix the genome, is also impossible. After all, genes are responsible not only for negative qualities, but also for positive. Give the opportunity to develop a good — the best way to defeat bad heredity.

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