Волчья пасть: причины, симптомы и лечение расщепления неба

Cleavage in the soft or hard palate, the common non-medical name for which is "cleft palate", is one of the most common birth defects. The physiological problem of this defect is that the absence of a border between the nasal and oral cavities of the child leads to a violation of the swallowing, sucking and respiratory functions. Today, Estet-portal will provide detailed information about this birth defect, as well as available methods for correcting splitting in the soft or hard palate. 

Types of cleft palate. In modern medicine, there are only two types of cleft palate:

  • Complete splitting of the soft and hard palate;
  • Cleavage of the soft palate only.

It is easier for children with a cleft of the soft palate to breathe, but they still cannot swallow and suck without special devices, because food enters the nasal cavity through the cleft.

Causes of cleft palate

Among the causes of this malformation are:

  • Heredity. If the family already has a child with a similar defect, then the occurrence of it in the next child increases seven times.
  • Smoking during pregnancy. Scientists have proven that in women who smoke up to ten cigarettes a day, the risk of cleft palate in the fetus increases by up to 40%. If the number of cigarettes smoked reaches 20 per day, then the probability of a defect increases to 80%.
  • Drinking alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, this can also cause additional problems with the mental and physical development of the child.
  • Lack of folic acid in the mother's body.
  • Obesity II–III degree.
  • Physical and mental trauma in a pregnant woman.
  • The use of narcotic substances negatively affects the overall development of the fetus and can lead to the development of many pathologies.

Accompanying problems with split sky

The first problems with the cleft palate in a child occur at the time of childbirth. Through the crevice, amniotic fluid can enter the respiratory tract, and from there – into the lungs. This can cause aspiration pneumonia in the child.

It is difficult for children with this developmental defect to breathe, and it is simply impossible to swallow and suck without a special obturator that closes the gap. Therefore, such children do not gain weight well and often lag behind in physical development.

The cleft between the nasal and oral cavities prevents the air from being properly cleansed and warmed. This leads to frequent respiratory illnesses.

When the hard palate is split in children, the dentition and occlusion are formed incorrectly, and the violation of the soft palate provokes speech therapy problems.

Diagnosis and treatment of cleft palate

Detection of such a birth defect is possible with the help of an ultrasound machine as early as 14 weeks of pregnancy. However, there are cases in which the gap, due to its small size, is discovered only after the birth of the child.

Modern plastic surgery allows effective treatment of the cleft palate. So with a cleft only in the soft palate, surgical intervention is possible from about eight months of age. If there is a complete splitting of the soft and hard palate, then it is recommended to carry out the operation no earlier than two years.

Before plastic surgery to correct the palate, a special obturator is inserted into the child, which allows him to eat normally and learn to talk.

The full range of cleft palate treatment includes from 2 to 7 plastic surgeries. In addition to direct plasty, the child will need the help of the following specialists:

  • orthodontist;
  • dentist;
  • neurologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • child psychologist.

In addition to the help of specialists, parents should work with the child at home in order to form the correct speech. Treatment should be completed before the age of 6-7, that is, before the child goes to school.


Children who have undergone plastic surgery and rehabilitation can lead a normal life in the future, provided there are no other diseases.

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