Врач: 3 кита для здоровья сердца: кальций, калий и магний

According to the latest statistics in the world, there is an increase in mortality due to cardiovascular pathology. In simple terms, more people die from heart disease than from other diseases. But, the situation can be saved if you follow the recommendations of dietitians and eat foods that contain useful trace elements: potassium, magnesium and calcium.

How can fruits or vegetables, even porridge, save you from a possible heart attack or stroke? You ask. We will answer: there are certain products that contain useful microelements: potassium, calcium and magnesium, which serve to improve blood circulation and heart function, strengthen blood vessels, resume normal metabolism, restore bones to their former strength. There is a lot to think about the benefits of these micronutrients. Take note of what foods containing beneficial trace elements should be in your diet every day.

How magnesium is useful for the body

Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, strengthens the walls and increases resistance to lack of oxygen, contractions are normalized. In case of a hypertensive crisis, the patient is immediately injected with – magnesium sulfate. This trace element helps to calm down, relieve irritation, especially positive in order to relieve tension in the central nervous system.

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Foods that contain magnesium have an expanding effect on blood vessels,  accelerate the release of bile, improve the functioning of the urinary system (diuretic effect), activate intestinal motility. It is necessary to resume the consumption of magnesium each time, since it is responsible for the processing of calcium, if one is not enough, the second automatically becomes deficient. Approximately 400 mg of magnesium should be taken per day.

What foods contain magnesium:

  1. Croats. The largest amount of magnesium is found in buckwheat. It should be remembered that with a long boil, the beneficial properties are lost, so you can simply steam the buckwheat and let it brew before use. Oatmeal is also shown, which has less magnesium but is great for breakfast, especially with dried fruit or fresh fruit like apple.

  2. Cashew. Eating this nut will make it easy to restore magnesium in the body, since cashews have a lot of calories (553 kcal / 100g), and are nutritious. In addition to cashews, magnesium contains hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts.

  3. Beans contain half the norm of magnesium (103 mg), it is also useful in the amount of protein, which is indispensable for the body for full-fledged growth and development.

What is the use of potassium for the body

Lack of potassium leads the body to oxygen starvation, since it is this microelement that helps to supply the brain center with oxygen. Tachycardia appears, the body gets tired, the digestive tract is disrupted due to a lack of potassium.

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What foods contain potassium:

  1. Lentils are as rich in potassium as they are in magnesium. And this is useful. There is almost no fat in lentils, which makes them rich and nutritious for the body.

  2. Seaweed is low in calories, but the amount of potassium in it exceeds all expectations. Tasty and healthy, it can be used even by those who are afraid to get better.

  3. Dried apricots – this is a universal remedy: like a delicacy, but also useful. It contains a record amount of potassium: 1717 mg. Raisins and prunes have a similar effect, but with a significant decrease in the received dose of usefulness.

What is the use of calcium for the body

Everyone knows that for beautiful teeth you need to consume a lot of calcium to keep bones strong and to prevent injury. But also calcium is indispensable in such processes as: the work of the cardiovascular system, with blood clotting, in neural construction and the work of the muscular system. It is important for children to consume calcium during the period of skeletal growth and development. It is necessary to replenish calcium by 800 mg per day.


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What foods contain calcium:

  1. Sour cream cannot fully provide the body with calcium, but as an alternative, it is great for salads (instead of mayonnaise).

  2. Processed cheese can provide your daily dose of calcium, and it's also delicious. You can also use other fermented milk products: cheese, cottage cheese.

  3. Peas helps to strengthen bones and teeth. Useful for the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Calcium and magnesium – these are useful trace elements that are interrelated and require special attention when using products.

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