Опасность хруста в суставах: причины проблемы и как от нее избавиться

Sometimes our joints make a loud crack, click or creak. Should you immediately go to the doctor as soon as you notice a similar symptom? Why do joints click at all and what does it mean?

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you whether crunching in the joints is dangerous,the causes of which can be very diverse. Let's make a reservation right away – not always crunchy joints will be a reason to rush to the doctor. But very often such a sound – a characteristic feature of some diseases requiring urgent treatment. It is important to know about them in advance in order to prevent a dangerous condition that requires endless treatment.

If a crunch is heard in the joints: physiological reasons

Joints can crunch not only because some destructive processes are taking place in them or a disease has begun to develop. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to go to the doctor once again to play it safe, but you don’t need to panic either. !

So, the physiological causes of joint crunching can be:

1. Heredity and genetics – in this case we are talking about the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Often this applies to women, in the composition of the cartilage tissue of which a modified collagen is formed. It is the cause of increased extensibility of the connective organs of the joint. That is, it becomes too mobile. This is where the crunch comes from. This situation does not require treatment.

My default image2. Features of the ligament apparatus – if a large number of ligaments are present in the connective tissue, a well-audible crunch may appear. This is the innate structure of the body, which does not threaten your health in any way.

3. Bubbles of gas – they accumulate in the synovial fluid inside the joint. During its movement, the bag in which this fluid accumulates is stretched, and pressure changes. As a result – gas bubbles may appear, bursting with a characteristic crack.
4. Heavy physical activity – if you lead an active lifestyle, work hard physically, this contributes to the accelerated flow of synovial fluid inside the joint. The result is a crunch that is not accompanied by pain. If this problem is familiar to you, try to rest more so that the body has time to recover.

Diet for arthritis: how to help bones and joints with nutrition

Such reasons are united by one – the crunch appears sporadically, is not accompanied by pain. That is, in these cases, we are not talking about the fact that

negative changes occur in the joint. Crunching in the joints: causes requiring treatment
The reasons why joints begin to crackle are not always harmless. If such sounds are not single, but accompany you all the time, you should be seriously concerned about your own health. xxxx>
This clicking sound can be caused by the following problems:

1. Degenerative processes

– one of the most common problems. If destructive processes of connective tissue occur in the joint, you feel aching pain and a constant crunch. It occurs due to the fact that the amount of lubrication decreases. And this can lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis or arthrosis.

2. Arthritis
– an inflammatory process that may appear not only due to degenerative processes in tissues. It appears due to infection, may be the result of an allergy. At the same time, in addition to a crunch, a person feels pain, swelling of the joint area is observed, and mobility is limited in it. If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility. 3. Salt deposition – occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.

an inflammatory process that may appear not only due to degenerative processes in tissues. It appears due to infection, may be the result of an allergy. At the same time, in addition to a crunch, a person feels pain, swelling of the joint area is observed, and mobility is limited in it. If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility.

3. Salt deposition – occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.

an inflammatory process that may appear not only due to degenerative processes in tissues. It appears due to infection, may be the result of an allergy. At the same time, in addition to a crunch, a person feels pain, swelling of the joint area is observed, and mobility is limited in it. If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility.
3. Salt deposition
– occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.
It appears due to infection, may be the result of an allergy. At the same time, in addition to a crunch, a person feels pain, swelling of the joint area is observed, and mobility is limited in it. If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility.

3. Salt deposition

– occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.My default image

It appears due to infection, may be the result of an allergy. At the same time, in addition to a crunch, a person feels pain, swelling of the joint area is observed, and mobility is limited in it. If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility.
3. Salt deposition

– occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.

If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility.

3. Salt deposition

– occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.

My default image If not treated in time, arthritis will turn into arthrosis – chronic form. And this threatens the loss of mobility.

3. Salt deposition – occurs due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the substances settle on the ligaments and the articular bag – so-called "salts" are formed. They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.

laquo;salts». They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.
laquo;salts». They threaten the loss of normal joint mobility.

All these reasons require immediate medical attention already at the initial stage. If you feel not only a crunch, but also stiffness in movement, pain, or even slight discomfort, consult a doctor. It is better to start treatment as soon as possible in order to regain mobility and

old comfort.

Crunching in the joints: when to see a doctor

How to understand that the crunch in the joints is pathological in nature, and you need to see a doctor? First of all, if it is accompanied by pain or discomfort. A crunch, combined with discomfort in the joint area, indicates that bone growth and thinning of the cartilage itself may occur. Crunch in the shoulder, spine, elbow joints or fingers has a physiological cause – and you don't have to worry about it. But constantly crunchy hip and knee joints – even without pain – should alert you. If any movement is accompanied by clicks, we recommend that you consult a doctor to rule out the risk of disease. You will need an external examination, X-ray or ultrasound, in some cases – CT scan. Crunching in the joints, which can have a variety of causes, requires careful attention. As soon as discomfort appeared during the movement – take the time to visit the experts. Joint problems are better prevented or treated at the initial stage than resorting to radical methods or long-term therapy. Read also: Bishofite for joints: healing effect of the mineral Watch us on YouTube:

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