They clean up  wherever they go, no matter how appropriate. This habit speaks of a person's compulsive craving for the perfect, which makes it difficult to feel comfortable if suddenly someone put a glass out of step with the others. If you   constantly tear off labels from everywhere (from shampoo packages, jars, bottles) & ndash; it also indicates your perfectionism.

A clean and smooth surface looks more perfect. Perfectionism and fixation on the topic of order in psychology is called "accentuation" and even has a Freudian explanation. People who were potty trained in childhood, resorting to harsh command methods, cannot stand the slightest violation of order all their lives, they rub, clean and arrange everything in a line. It's a personality trait, not a disease. However, it is worth considering this and not repeating the mistakes of your parents when raising your own children. And also to realize that the world is not perfect, and that's okay. The more you want to keep something ideal, the more often your ideal will be violated - there is no absolute in the world. And the more obsessive your desire, the greater the trauma for you will be the violation of perfection. 


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