Probably, everyone who is addicted to smoking at one time, sooner or later begins to think about the question of how to get rid of this bad habit. The state of health, aesthetic problems, social status and a number of other factors lead to such reflection. However, most of us are faced with the problem of the inability to quit smoking for a number of reasons, according to Let's see what makes a person pick up a cigarette, and how to get rid of the bad habit of smoking?

Why do people start smoking?

Researchers have identified several reasons why you start smoking or reach for a cigarette as soon as certain situations arise. They were roughly divided like this:

  • Presence of nervous tension and restlessness. Often, grabbing a cigarette at the slightest stress or anxiety, a person thinks that it will help him relieve emotional stress or put his nerves in order. This stereotype of behavior has long been imposed by experience, peeped from others in life and in movies. However, as it turns out later, the cigarette does not bring a positive result, but the habit remains. People just don't know any other way to stop being nervous.
  • Excessive modesty and stiffness in dealing with people. If a person does not know how to feel relaxed in a new environment or when communicating with strangers, then situations arise with long pauses that have nothing to fill.

To somehow justify their shyness, it is easier for a person to smoke than to find an opportunity to get out of an awkward situation.

  • Boredom and the need for stimulation of the senses. When we are bored or have nothing to do, we start looking for ways to entertain ourselves. Some play mobile games, some listen to music or fiddle with something, and some prefer to smoke.
  • Lack of willpower. If a person is inclined to indulge his momentary desires: he cannot endure hunger, he does not know how to deal with laziness, he quits what he started halfway, he goes on about his needs. Therefore, it is often difficult for him to quit smoking.
  • Blind imitation. Only in adolescence, perhaps, this phenomenon manifests itself. The child is just beginning the process of becoming a person, and he begins to blindly imitate his idols or friends. It is very difficult to resist the effect of the crowd. However, in most cases, when a person becomes more conscious and perceives himself as a person, and not as part of a separate culture, then he makes a choice for himself and quits smoking.

See also: How does smoking affect oral health?

Why is it so difficult to quit the bad habit of smoking?

Psychologists are unanimous: talking about physiology — this is nothing more than an attempt to justify the unwillingness to give up a harmful addiction. Smoking is strongly associated with rest, it gives the illusion of relaxation, plays the role of some psychological "painkillers". The psychological addiction to smoking is based on this.

pochemu-voznikaet-vrednaya-privychka-kurit By compensating for the sucking reflex, the smoker experiences the peace and tranquility of an infant suckling at the mother's breast, thereby satisfying the need for love and food. Many claim that they smoke in order to concentrate, believing that smoking helps to concentrate. For some, smoking makes it easier to establish social connections – in a smoking room it is easier to strike up a conversation about nothing than in an office corridor.

Why is it worth quitting the bad habit of smoking?

No matter how trite it may sound, quitting smoking is worth it for so many reasons. With age, we increasingly begin to think about our health, and a cigarette – the cause of many serious diseases.

And don't hope that there is some miracle that can get you out of nicotine addiction.


  • nicotine tablets and patches,
  • substitutes in the form of lozenges or e-cigarettes,
  • homeopathy,
  • acupuncture and other methods,

cannot help you until you make the decision to stop smoking.

What awaits you after you stop smoking?

If you can motivate yourself to quit this bad habit, then please note that after you take the last puff in the body the following changes will occur:

  • After twenty minutes, your pulse returns to normal,
  • After one day, your blood supply to tissues will improve, the concentration of oxygen will increase,
  • After two days, you will begin to taste and smell in a new way, the way they should be. Body odor will be completely different.
  • After three days, breathing will become much easier,
  • After 1 week, you will no longer feel pain in the stomach, and the activity of the pancreas will normalize,
  • After 1 month, the complexion and skin will become clearer and fresher, immunity and resistance to respiratory diseases will increase,
  • After three months, you will leave the obsessive cough of a smoker, you will have more strength, your teeth will become whiter,
  • After 1 year, you will reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

If this is not enough for you, then what can make you quit the bad habit of smoking? Share your thoughts on

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