Interesting Facts

A look into the mirror of the soul: 38 interesting facts about the eyes

Взгляд в зеркало души: 38 интересных фактов о глазах

Even after many years of studying the human body, there are still many unsolved mysteries. However, it is certainly clear that the amazing biological machine that he represents, – a creation well thought out and extremely interesting.

Human eye – an important detail of this machine, thanks to which we are able to perceive the world and receive information about the environment visually. Interesting facts about the eyes that has collected for you in this article will help you learn more about eyes and vision.

Interesting facts about eyes and vision: look at yourself from a different angle

  1. Blue eyes – the result of a genetic mutation (the HERC2 gene), in which little melanin is produced in the iris of the eye.
  2. Brown – the most common eye color.
  3. Flies before the eyes – shadows cast by particles floating inside the eye.
  4. If cold water is poured into the ear, the eyes move in the direction of the other ear, and if warm water is poured into it – in the direction of the ear into which the water was poured. This eye fact is used to test for brain damage (caloric test).
  5. If you look directly at the camera while taking a photo and the picture shows one eye is red and the other is normal or yellow, it may indicate eye cancer.
  6. With 98% accuracy, schizophrenia can be diagnosed with an eye test (if unusual eye movements are detected).
  7. Brown eyes can be permanently turned blue with a special procedure using a laser.
  8. A rare genetic mutation allows 2% of women to see 100 million colors thanks to extra retinal cones.
  9. Johnny Depp is blind in his left eye and nearsighted in his right.
  10. Smooth movements of the human eye are only possible while observing a moving object.
  11. Due to the lack of gravity, you can't cry in space. Tears just collect into small balls and cause discomfort in the eyes.
  12. Pirates used blindfolds to "train" one eye for bright light (on deck) and the other – for subdued lighting below decks.
  13. The flashes of light you see when you rub your eyes are called phosphene.
  14. Sometimes people with aphakia (lack of the lens) see ultraviolet light.
  15. When we look at a loved one, the pupil dilates by 45%.
  16. The number of photosensitive cells in the eye is approximately 107 million.
  17. The brain is able to get used to an inverted picture over time, after a period of adaptation, it automatically flips the image and the person sees it normally, despite the fact that it is turned upside down.
  18. Blinking muscle – the fastest, a human can blink 5 times per second.
  19. Reading glasses are needed by 99% of older people due to the reduced ability of the eye to focus.
  20. The lens focuses faster than any camera.
  21. Newborns do not produce tears until the age of 4 – 13 weeks.
  22. A person with heterochromia has different eye colors from birth.
  23. The muscles that control eye movements are the most active in the body.
  24. When necessary, I transplant the cornea of ​​sharks to people (they are so similar to each other).
  25. Sneezing with your eyes open won't work.
  26. Newborns are color blind.
  27. The human eye can distinguish 500 shades of gray.
  28. One of the 12 men – colorblind.
  29. All the colors we can see are combinations of red, blue and green.
  30. There is a blind spot on the retina where the optic nerve attaches.
  31. The size of the eyes does not change after birth.
  32. The iris has 256 unique characteristics (fingerprint has 40), so eye scanning is often used for security purposes.
  33. A person reads 25% slower on a computer monitor than on paper.
  34. Depression literally makes you see everything in dim colors (experimentally confirmed).
  35. Bees have tiny hairs on their eyes that determine wind direction and flight speed.
  36. Most white cats with blue eyes (65-85%) are deaf.
  37. Many animals (ducks, dolphins, iguanas) sleep with one eye open to spot a predator at the right moment.
  38. The human eye does not sense temperature.

If you know any other facts about human eyes and vision, share them in the comments!

And also Know yourself better: 38 little-known facts about the human body

  • Comments (2)

    Лариса Б#278
    22 февраля 2016, 12:18

    Человеческий глаз не чувствует температуры???<br />я в шоке!

  • Comments (2)

    22 февраля 2016, 12:22

    А я думал, только мне с монитора читать труднее, чем с бумаги. Кстати, информацию, напечатанную на бумаге, мне проще воспринимать. Интересно, с чем это связано?

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