– a dangerous disease that threatens a number of complications. According to statistics, men are more likely to get sick than women. And if earlier the disease occurred in people from 30 to 50 years old, now it has become “younger”. Quite often, very young people get to the doctor, who have a duodenal ulcer, the symptoms of which we will describe in this article, have not been at the initial stage of their development for a long time. That is, complications are inevitable.
How to understand in time that you need to see a doctor?
Why does peptic ulcer occur and why is it dangerous for you?This will be discussed today by estet-portal.com. Duodenal ulcer: why the disease occurs
duodenal ulcer – a chronic disease with periods of exacerbation. It is a deep wound that does not just interfere with the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is dangerous with complications, and also torments a person with severe pain.
Instagram! Why does an ulcer appear? Normally, gastric juice is secreted in the optimal amount for the digestion of food. At the same time, the stomach has good resistance to it, a protective shell.
If more juice is produced or the resistance of the stomach to it decreases, then something like "self-digestion" occurs. That is, an ulcer is formed.
Diet for Acid Stomach A duodenal ulcer often occurs against the background of a similar disease of the stomach or – provokes its development. And the latter is fraught with the transition of an ordinary ulcer into a cancerous formation. That is, if the disease is not treated, then everything can end much worse. But that's not the only reason you need to see a doctor. A duodenal ulcer has other complications, no less dangerous and severe.
How to eat with high stomach acid: basic rules Duodenal ulcer: symptoms
A duodenal ulcer is difficult to diagnose, because its symptoms are very similar to other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, with any changes in well-being, problems with digestion, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe additional laboratory tests that will help determine – is it an ulcer or something else.
But it would not be superfluous to mention the characteristic signs of the disease.
1. Pain in the stomach that occurs when you want to eat. It goes away after eating. By nature – aching or paroxysmal. Sometimes it can radiate to the heart and back.
2. Nausea and belching.
3. flatulence, bloating.
4. Hunger.
5. Pain in the abdomen during sleep.
6. During an exacerbation, the disease manifests itself in the form of feces with blood clots and vomiting with its own admixture.
It is worth mentioning that people who smoke and drink a lot of alcohol, eat irregularly, abuse fatty and fried foods are especially susceptible to the disease. All this – risk factors for the development of the disease. However, chronic stress also plays an important role in this.
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A duodenal ulcer is dangerous for its complications. This is not a disease whose treatment can be postponed, being afraid to go to the doctor. It basically interferes with leading a normal life. And if it turns into a more dangerous form, it requires urgent medical intervention.
What is the danger of a duodenal ulcer:1. Perforation or perforation
– a through hole appears on the wall, the contents of the intestine enter the abdominal cavity. As a result – inflammation (peritonitis). Treatment – this is just an emergency operation. Signs of perforation – sharp pain, fever, sweating, dry tongue.
2. Penetration– the appearance of a hole in the wall of the intestine, which opens into nearby organs. This may be the pancreas, liver, large intestine, etc. Such a complication manifests itself as constant pain that does not go away after eating or drugs designed to alleviate the condition.
– if the ulcer increases in size, it can "hurt"; vessel, and it will open into the intestinal cavity. Signs are sudden weakness, low blood pressure, hematemesis, fainting.
4. Stenosis– this is a narrowing of the intestinal lumen as a result of scarring of the ulcer. Symptoms – heaviness in the upper abdomen after eating, vomiting of eaten food and sour belching. If this condition is not treated, then the disease progresses and the pain becomes intense, a putrid odor from the mouth appears. Left untreated, it threatens with indigestion, malnutrition and dehydration. All these complications of peptic ulcer require immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention. Any delay threatens not only to worsen the condition, but can also lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, a duodenal ulcer, the symptoms of which we described in the article, should not be ignored. It is better to start treatment at the initial stage than to allow dangerous complications.
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