Юмор во время секса: плюсы и минусы

To many people, sex and humor seem to be incompatible concepts. Such people consider sex the most serious occupation, during which they must play the role of ideal lovers and not lose face (literally and figuratively). And if some unfortunate mistake or awkward situation happens (believe me, sooner or later this happens to everyone), these serious people are ready to fall through the ground, or rather dress like a fireman, call a taxi, retreat in a matter of minutes and try to never again to intersect with the person in whose eyes they goofed off in an intimate moment. A terrible prospect, especially when you consider that most awkward moments in bed can be wonderfully smoothed out just with the help of humor!

However, of course, it is not always possible to joke in bed and not about everything (and not with everyone). To understand at what moments it is appropriate to joke in bed, and in what situations sex and humor should not intersect – read the article estet-portal.com.

Pros and cons of humor during sex

To be honest, we all love to laugh at jokes on spicy topics, but on one condition – if these jokes are not about us. Although it was not for nothing that Gogol once wrote: “Who are you laughing at?! Laugh at yourself!».

No matter how we hid bed oddities and did not pretend in the company of even our closest friends that we never got into a mess at the most intimate moment, let's face it: everyone did it at least once. And there's nothing wrong with that!

All of us – real people, and sex, combined with humor, testifies to a trusting relationship, uncomplexity, the ability to get out of any situation.

In general, sex with humor has a lot of advantages.


Pros of humor during sex:

Humor will help smooth out an awkward situation without dropping your dignity or that of your partner.
  1. Remember the unforgettable scene from "Bridget Jones's Diary" when the main character's date with the man of her dreams unexpectedly ends in sex for which she was not at all ready, as she wore under the evening dress instead of a seductive thong, slimming underpants "to the armpits" ;? It is not known how it would have ended if the ladies' man Daniel had not continued what he started, joking that he loves "mommy pantaloons"; and defusing the atmosphere with healthy laughter.

By the way, this is another proof that if a man wants a woman, he will want her in any clothes. So if your lover took you by surprise with an invitation to him, and you are afraid to show him for the first time that in everyday life you wear comfortable cotton shorts with SpongeBob, and not ropes with a lace triangle two by two centimeters, then your nose is higher! Confidently look into your eyes and heartfeltly tell that Monica Belucci and Angelina Jolie are secretly wearing exactly the same SpongeBob on the ass, so let them be proud of their fashionista.

But for such tolerance, do not forget to pay your partner in the same coin. If, for example, a man had a "misfire" in bed, don’t sigh sadly, don’t build a disappointed face and don’t say formulaic phrases like “It’s okay, it happens to everyone.” Joke, improvise as you go! And in parallel, resume the “interrupted flight.”

Humor during sex makes the relationship between partners closer and more trusting.
  1. Agree, during

you can laugh only with the person with whom you feel yourself and do not try to seem better than you are. But to be, not to seem – this is the key to any healthy, strong and fulfilling relationship between two people. The unobtrusive sex humor will help rapprochement even in a situation where two people are just starting to get to know each other and build harmonious relationships.

You demonstrate the absence of complexes, the ability to find the right way out in unforeseen situations, an open nature and sincerity, which wins over your partner.
  1. If you can laugh together in bed, it means that your partner is getting used to the fact that you can be trusted and not be afraid to be yourself in your society. You won't want to exchange such a person for anyone else!

With the help of humor in bed, you can unobtrusively tell your partner about serious things that excite you in sex.
  1. If your man cannot give you pleasure in bed and you constantly imitate an orgasm, if you are no longer satisfied with your partner's behavior in bed, if there is an intimate problem that you still do not dare to start a conversation about – the best way would be to "probe the soil"; through unobtrusive (we repeat: unobtrusive, not harsh and offensive) jokes on this topic.

In the same way, you can try to voice your sexual fantasies. If you feel an emotional response, then you can move on to a serious conversation. And if the partner does not want to be frank, then again – you can always laugh it off and turn everything into a plane of humor.

However, as we said above, there are taboos in the field of sex humor, which also need to be remembered.


Cons of humor during sex:

It is easy to cross the line and offend a person with a thoughtless joke, especially if the partner is suspicious and impressionable.
  1. In no case should you joke about former partners and physical features (God forbid, about the small size of a woman's penis or breasts, even if she jokes about it herself!) so as not to give rise to complexes in a person or strengthen existing ones .
  2. You should not even try to joke in bed if the partners have a different attitude not only to life, but also to humor (a connoisseur of subtle French comedies of the last century and a lover of obscene jokes from the Comedy Club may not understand each other at all).
  3. There is a risk of laughing so hard at a good joke or an awkward situation that you won’t be able to return to sex later (and people still go to bed not to tell jokes to each other, but for a completely different purpose).
  4. As you can see, there is really nothing wrong with humor during sex. The main thing, as in everything else – don't go to extremes.

By the way, sex and humor are also united by


– it is these hormones that are produced during sincere laughter, and during lovemaking. So laugh to your health, the main thing – for your partner to share your fun in the bedroom. Read also:

Sex and its impact on health. What are the benefits of sexual intercourse and the dangers of abstinence

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