Женская проблема - опущение матки. Гинеколог-эстетист ответила на самые волнующие вопросы женщин

Due to age-related changes or effects on an organ, it can change its structure, function and location. In medicine, there is a diagnosis of "pelvic organ prolapse", which often refers to the prolapse of the uterus. Uterine prolapse is a pathology that is characterized by the displacement of the uterus down to the vagina, and at the same time it can completely fall out of it. The cervix does not change its position. The prolapse of the uterus occurs as a result of a violation of the structures that fix it in the pelvic cavity. The tone of the uterus itself also matters.

Estet-portal.com found out that the structures that hold the uterus can be broken for several reasons.

The main causes leading to uterine prolapse and risk factors for uterine prolapse

In the modern world, where women are less and less engaged in physical exercises, moving around the city in transport, as well as "laying out" pregnancy, the risk of developing uterine prolapse is significantly increased.

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If earlier such a pathology was a rarity, now uterine prolapse is becoming inevitable in some cases.

Causes of uterine prolapse:

  • Surgical interventions on the pelvic organs.
  • Birth defects of the pelvic organs.
  • Deep tears in the perineum.
  • Injuries to the genital organs, which were received during childbirth, when using obstetric forceps, extracting the fetus by the buttocks, after a vacuum – extractor.
  • Injury to the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Violation of the innervation of the reproductive system against the background of neurological diseases.

Risk Factors:

  • Constant heavy physical activity.
  • Multiple births.
  • Old age.
  • Obesity, chronic constipation, pathology accompanied by frequent coughing, neoplasms in the abdominal cavity.

These states and processes  increase intra-abdominal pressure and contribute to the development of uterine prolapse.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse. What does a woman feel

The symptom that appears first and leads a woman to a doctor – frequent urination. There are also pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pressing pains in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the sacrum and lower back. Constipation appears, which aggravates the process. When the uterus descends into the vagina, a feeling of a foreign body appears.

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A woman is worried about such symptoms of uterine prolapse as mucous and bloody discharge, which has become more than usual. If prolapse of the uterus has developed before the menopause period, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, and the menstruation itself is very painful and accompanied by profuse blood loss, often leading to anemia in the woman. Sexual intercourse becomes painful, and in some cases - simply impossible.

The progression of the disease is characterized by worsening of all symptoms of uterine prolapse, difficulty urinating or urinary incontinence. In this case, there is a risk of urinary tract infections. Often a woman herself can grope for a formation that protrudes from the vagina. When uterine prolapse is detected, prolapse of the rectum and bladder is detected.

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For the purpose of prevention (after difficult childbirth, operations), you need to regularly perform Kegel exercises, which consist in tension of the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor. This exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. Performing regular physical exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor can prevent the progression of the process of uterine prolapse. It is important to prevent constipation.  Answers of a gynecologist-esthetician to the patients' questions. Prevention and treatment of uterine prolapse

The editors of


receive a large number of exciting questions from women in the field of gynecology on this topic.  

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Shavrina Nina Georgiyevna

- obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, author of techniques and holder of patents in aesthetic gynecology, winner of the Stella Beauty Awards in the nomination "The Best Gynecologist - Esthetician of Ukraine -2019". The doctor answered the 2 most asked questions in the field of vaginal and uterine prolapse.

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Question 1.

"In each case, an individual treatment is developed depending on the patient's history, body mass index, work and rest regimen, nutrition, etc. There are conservative and surgical treatment. How not to fall for the" bait "of the doctor and understand on your own, that you can do without surgery, but do you need treatment? How to distinguish between critical and non-critical symptoms?

N.G. - 

The prolapse of the uterus begins first of all with the prolapse of the walls of the vagina. The prolapse of the uterus is the end result of the prolapse of all the walls of the vagina. Therefore, when the prolapse of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees of the vagina begins, the cervix itself is already beginning to prolapse. If a woman has already admitted the very last stage, then this is only an operative intervention.

My opinion is:

1) There must be trust in the doctor;

2) Need to consult several doctors;

3) It is important to talk to a doctor who operates and is skilled in minimally invasive techniques, and is also an aesthetic gynecologist or trained in aesthetic gynecology.


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Each doctor speaks about his regalia, each doctor has one or another opinion, that is, the opinion of more than one doctor is needed. If a woman after childbirth (after childbirth, the vagina expands and lengthens), then it may happen that the vagina will not contract as before, that is, it will not return to its natural form, therefore, there is a self-examination of women and she must observe this issue herself. When the uterus is lowered, there will be a feeling of discomfort and "protrusion" of something from the vagina the size of a plum.

When lowering grades 1 and 2, you can do without surgical intervention.

It is very important to remember that fitness leads to prolapse of the uterus, namely lifting heavy. A woman should not lift weights more than 3 kg. There are completely different workouts that have a beneficial effect on health - running, swimming, aerobics, stretching. 

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Question 2.

"At what age should a woman remember such a problem in order not to get on the surgical table?"

N.G. -

There is always a prevention of all diseases. At the same time, prolapse of the uterus can be prevented: all women after childbirth should contact their gynecologist for their standard examinations 42 days after childbirth. It will be good to make an appointment with a gynecologist-esthetician who will look at you, because not all gynecologists now own aesthetic gynecology and techniques. To date, there is a device specifically for the prevention of prolapse of the walls of the vagina, respectively, it helps to stop and prevent prolapse of the uterus in the future. It acts on the muscular layer of the vagina and does not damage the mucosa. This is not a laser, but a vaginal apparatus with ultrasound. I have been working with him for about 2 years and have not yet had a single complaint from my patients.

Stages 3 and 4 - already the prolapse of the uterus itself: the muscles of the uterus are relaxing (it has 6 pairs of ligaments). Usually these stages occur more in patients over 50 years of age who have not followed the descent throughout their lives. 

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