The heat hits the entire body, forcing it to work in extreme conditions and, as a result, in a high load mode. Especially during periods of high temperatures, it is hard for the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to recall what you can do in the heat, what activities to avoid, and what foods to choose so as not to fall victim to the heat. So, Estet-portal invites you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules, which are practical tips that will teach you how to survive in the heat. 

A period of heat has begun in the country. The temperature throughout Ukraine will rise to 36 degrees. The thermometers will not fall below 23 degrees even at night. Heat – a real test for people and a time of exacerbation of various diseases. Doctors of various specializations shared practical tips on how to make this period more comfortable.

Keep women's health

In the heat, do not wear underwear made of synthetic fabrics. Such materials create a greenhouse effect and a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. That is why thrush is so often exacerbated in the summer.

If you suffer from chronic adnexitis, a reasonable tan is not contraindicated for you. But remember that an excessive amount of ultraviolet light lowers the body's immune resistance. But to stay on the beach in a wet swimsuit with such a diagnosis is highly undesirable. Try to change as soon as you get out of the water. 

People with fibroids or endometriosis should be especially careful about sunburn. Doctors recommend them to take air baths in the shade. Read also Fruit instead of sunscreen.

Stop exercising

During the period of abnormally high temperatures, experts recommend refraining from outdoor sports. Due to physical exertion, heat transfer increases and dehydration occurs. In addition, in the heat, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases significantly. Therefore, it is not recommended to get involved in strength training and treadmills. It is best to focus on exercises that oxygenate the body, such as breathing exercises, yoga, Pilates, or light aerobics.

But it is recommended to visit the pool or take swims in the reservoirs at least 2–3 times a week. 

Eat the right diet

In hot weather, it is especially important to watch what you eat. Eat less meat and animal fats, give preference to plant and dairy foods. In the middle of the day, you should not lean too much on food. It is better to postpone the main meal to 17 & ndash; 18 hours. In the morning in the heat, the appetite is usually poor. You don't have to force yourself to eat. Another thing – drink a glass of liquid. To quench your thirst, it is best to drink not ordinary water, but teas, juices and still mineral water diluted with cool boiled water. Kvass and various drinks made from honey with water and lemon are excellent refreshers.

In periods of high temperatures, sour-milk products are especially useful: kefir, curdled milk, yogurt and rennet cheeses. In the heat, you need to abandon the habit of preparing food for the future. Do not forget: the shelf life of most products is designed for temperatures up to + 25 ° C. Try not to buy food from your hands and on trays that are not equipped with refrigerators. It is not known how long the products were in the sun. At high temperatures, bacteria multiply especially quickly, and this threatens with severe poisoning.

It is contraindicated to starve in hot weather. The body is already under stress due to the high temperature of the environment, and we exacerbate this problem by depriving it of food. If you decide to lose weight, just change the composition of the food and arrange 1-2 unloading days a week. They can be vegetable, fruit and berry or curd-kefir. Such nutrition will enhance metabolic processes and stimulate bowel cleansing.

Avoid armpit inflammation

During the period of high temperatures, the likelihood of hydradenitis increases significantly – inflammation in the armpit. The general weakening of the body against the background, profuse sweating and minor skin injuries, such as shaving, only predispose to it. If you have experienced hidradenitis, immediately exclude spicy spices and alcohol from your diet, limit the amount of sweets. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, E and C (carrots, black currants, nuts). 

Pay attention to the deodorants you use. Remember that antiperspirants clog the sweat glands. This provokes inflammation and the reproduction of microbes. Therefore, if you are prone to hydradenitis, we recommend using regular deodorants and taking a shower more often. Always disinfect your underarms with an alcohol solution after hair removal.

Take care of your heart and blood vessels

  • The arrival of heat is a huge burden on the body. High air temperatures cause increased sweating and palpitations. Our breathing speeds up, the body begins to lose water, mineral salts and vitamins with sweat, in particular magnesium and potassium salts, which are important for the functioning of the heart muscle. 
  • People suffering from cardiovascular diseases are most susceptible to the dangerous effects of heat. People with vegetovascular dystonia and a tendency to hypotension complain of weakness. Patients with cardiac diseases should follow a number of recommendations:
  • All activities that involve physical activity must be done before or after the heat of the day. Overvoltage in direct sunlight and high temperatures can cause complications. Avoid crowded vehicles. 
  • Check your blood pressure several times a day.
  • Do not seek salvation in cold waters. When the difference between the temperature of water and air exceeds 10 degrees, swimming is dangerous for blood vessels and can even provoke an attack of angina pectoris. It is necessary to enter the water slowly, especially in a heated state. Before bathing, we recommend massaging the body or doing some simple physical exercises. Never stay shivering in water.
  • If you have hypertension, limit your intake of salty foods. 

Estet-portal urges to be careful in the heat, because high temperatures hit the whole body, especially the heart and blood vessels! 

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