Безинъекционное омоложение кожи деликатных зон женского тела с PRX-T Lady

The skin of closed areas of the body is also subject to aging, which is largely due to the influence of internal factors. For the female body, the most significant of them is menopause. Menopause falls on the period of the active life of a modern woman and, of course, negatively affects her intimate sphere.

Hormonal changes can affect the state of intimate areas at different stages of a woman's life. Doctor of aesthetic medicine, trainer of Ukrainian Aesthetics Daniil Kashik in this article estet-portal.com talks about manifestations of chrono- and photoaging of external intimate and delicate areas in women, as well as about effective non-invasive therapy with the drug PRX-T Lady.

Age-related changes in intimate areas and their causes

At the age of about 30 years, women taking contraceptives often experience the problem of dryness of the vagina and peri-vaginal areas. To minimize the risk of its occurrence, it is very important to take contraceptives strictly according to the prescription of the attending gynecologist-endocrinologist, who will be able to choose the drug that is suitable for a particular patient in all physiological parameters.

Pregnancy and childbirth also lead to unwanted changes in the intimate area – it is at this stage that its most intense pigmentation occurs.

About by the age of 40, women who have used a razor or wax to depilate their bikini area show severe post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in response to chronic mechanical damage. The problem is exacerbated by a decrease in the potential of skin cells to normal physiological division.

Loss of elasticity and the appearance or increase of dryness of the vagina and peri-vaginal zones are also associated with a decrease in the level of estrogen – one of the signs of the premenopausal period.

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Menopause, which occurs at about age 50, is associated with decrease in estrogen levels, the consequences of which are:

  • loss of elasticity and thinning of the vaginal tissues;
  • dryness of intimate areas;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • change in acid-base balance due to predominance of certain bacteria;
  • vulnerability to infections;
  • micro cracks as a result of a decrease in the volume of the fat layer.

Such changes, of course, have a negative impact on the intimate life of women.

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To work with delicate areas, preparations are required that ensure the comfort of patients during the procedure, a minimum of pain and a short rehabilitation period so that a woman can return to an active sexual life as soon as possible. PRX-T Lady – drug manufactured by WiQomed.

PRX-T Lady to eliminate the signs of aging in intimate and delicate areas

The drug PRX-T Lady, officially marketed by Ukrainian Aesthetics, formulated with PRX-T33.


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The composition of the preparation includes:

  • 33% trichloroacetic acid, which stimulates dermal fibroblasts to divide and form final differential units such as hyaluronic acid, and enhances the protective potential of the skin of this zone;
  • hydrogen peroxide, which neutralizes the aggressive effect of TCA on the epidermis and prevents damage to the delicate zone;
  • kojic acid which reduces hyperpigmentation.
PRX-T Lady is suitable for patients who lead an active sex life, but who have already faced the problem of menopause and menopause. The procedure is quick, simple and as comfortable as possible.

The product is indicated for use in particularly sensitive areas where it is impossible to use the classic protocol PRX-T33:

  • anogenital;
  • armpits;
  • areola and nipples.

General contraindications for use:

  • irritated skin;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin herpetic eruptionsia;
  • macerated leather.

Home care after PRX-T Lady therapy

PRX-T Lady – this is not just a peeling, but a whole revitalizing and stimulating therapy, the success of which is 50% dependent on a professional procedure and 50% – from home care.


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For home care we prescribe:

  • WiQomed Revitalizing Cream for Delicate Areas (used when dryness occurs in the treated area);
  • for hyperpigmentation – brightening serum for external intimate areas (applied in the morning);

PRX-T Lady training is held monthly at the seminars of the company Ukrainian Aesthetics – official representative of WiQO Med in Ukraine.

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