Коррекция тела после похудения: избыточные ткани устранит бодилифтинг

It's no secret that one of the most pressing medical problems of our time is obesity. A huge percentage of representatives of different sexes and ages on the entire planet suffer from overweight, while many of them have a high body mass index indicates stage III-IV obesity.

Fortunately, active promotion of a healthy lifestyle today is bearing fruit, and many  are trying to normalize their weight, but after losing weight, an even more unpleasant problem remains – saggy skin. Today on estet-portal.com read about an effective method for solving this problem. What is bodylifting, for what purposes is it used and how this plastic surgery is performed – find out now.

Bodylifting - surgery to correct the body after losing weight

Fat deposits – this is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a serious threat to the body, because adipose tissue is located not only under the skin, but also around vital organs, which affects their normal functioning. That is why people obese,  often decide on cardinal changes in their lives.

Exhausting workouts, strict diets and even a hunger strike – all these methods help to quickly get rid of a fairly large amount of fat.

At the same time, the sudden loss of a significant percentage of weight leads to the formation of large volumes of excess tissue, which can only be eliminated with the help of a surgical operation called bodylifting.


  • for what purposes body correction is performed using bodylifting;
  • how bodylifting is performed: stages of surgery;
  • features of preparation and rehabilitation period after bodylifting.

For what purposes is body correction performed using bodylifting

Rapid weight loss is accompanied by the formation of hanging areas of skin with subcutaneous fat, most often in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall, lateral parts of the abdomen, under the shoulder blades, on the inner and outer thighs, in the chest area, on the arms.

These changes not only disfigure the patient's figure, but are also accompanied by more serious problems. Under the influence of elevated temperatures and sweat, maceration of the skin occurs, ideal conditions are created in the folds for the reproduction of fungi and bacteria, erosion and ulcers are formed, all this is accompanied by an unpleasant odor that constantly emanates from a person, and his self-isolation.

Bodylifting – surgery to remove excess tissue after weight loss is performed to address the above problems.

How bodylifting is performed: stages of surgery

Bodylifting – this is a rather traumatic and lengthy operation, usually it lasts from 4 to 8 hours. It is carried out in several stages:

  • After the patient is anesthetized, the patient is rolled onto their stomach for liposuction of the back and the lumbar region. Two incisions are made connecting both sides of the anterolateral surfaces of the lumbar region: one of them passes at the level of the iliac crest, the second – in the region of the sacrum, along the upper edge of the gluteal muscles. The resulting skin flap is removed, the tissues are tightened and sutures are applied;
  • after that, the patient is turned over on his back for tummy tuck. Two incisions are made: the upper one connects the ends of the upper incision on the lower back and passes above the navel, along the edge of the costal arches, and the lower – connects the ends of the lower incision of the lumbar region, passing along the upper anterior edge of the ilium, along the inguinal folds and above the pubis. Excess tissues are excised, if necessary, the diastasis of the rectus muscles is eliminated by stitching them together, the tissues are tightened, the navel is formed and sutures are applied.


Peculiarities of preparation and rehabilitation period after bodylifting

Bodylifting is a very effective method of solving the problem of excess tissue after weight loss, however, the volume of the operation determines its trauma and features of the rehabilitation period. The patient must stay in the hospital for at least 10 days after the operation, and the entire rehabilitation period is quite long – up to 2 months.

The favorable outcome of the surgical intervention is influenced not only by the excellent work of surgeons, but also by the correct preparation for the operation, including a thorough examination of the patient and the correction of disorders already existing in the body.

It is important to remember that bodylifting does not eliminate the cause of obesity, but helps to correct body contours after the patient loses weight.

Candidates for this operation can only be patients with a stable body weight over the past 6-12 months, as well as those with satisfactory results of examinations of the state of vital organs and systems. estet-portal.com thanks you for your attention.

Read also: "Ideal body in one operation: simultaneous operations in plastic surgery".

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