Фототипы кожи: классификация, которую должен знать каждый косметолог

Aesthetic medicine – it is one of the most demanded medical branches. Almost every person in the modern world knows that good looks play a very important role in achieving success in various areas of life, and strive to have a good appearance.

Therefore, the profession of a cosmetologist is very responsible, because it is this specialist who creates beauty. But in order to be a successful practicing cosmetologist, it is necessary to have a sufficient knowledge base about the basics of the structure of human skin. And today estet-portal.com talks about what skin phototypes are and why this information is so important for cosmetologists.

Why is it so important to understand the patient's skin phototype

Skin phototype refers to the degree of its sensitivity to UV rays. Every day, human skin comes into contact with various environmental factors, and one of the most important is solar radiation.

Some people's skin tans very quickly and evenly when exposed to the sun, while others cannot tan for very long or their skin burns quickly when exposed to the sun.

All this determines the skin phototype, which is genetically determined. Specialists need to determine the skin phototype of their patients, as the correct selection of care products and cosmetic procedures for them depends on this.

Skin phototypes:

  • six skin phototypes: Fitzpatrick classification;
  • Care specifics for different skin phototypes.

Six skin phototypes: Fitzpatrick classification

 In aesthetic medicine, there is a generally accepted classification of skin phototypes by the American dermatologist T. Fitzpatrick. It distinguishes 6 skin phototypes:

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  1. The first skin phototype is called Celtic. This type includes people who have thin, fair skin, light eyes, and often blond or red hair, as well as freckles. The skin of such people reacts very badly to exposure to ultraviolet rays – after just a few minutes of exposure to the sun, burns can occur.
  2. Second skin phototype – light-skinned European. Such people have light skin and blond hair, their eyes are blue, gray or green. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the skin of such people burns quite easily, it is extremely difficult to achieve a pronounced tan.
  3. Third skin phototype – Central European. It is characterized by swarthy ivory skin, dark blond or chestnut hair. The eyes of such people are gray or light brown. Their skin tans quite easily, but with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, it can burn.
  4. Fourth skin phototype – Mediterranean. Such people have dark skin, with an olive tint, dark brown hair, eyes – dark brown. Their skin burns extremely rarely, tans very quickly, while the tan lasts for a long time.
  5. Fifth skin phototype – Asiatic. Such people have yellow, brown or yellow-brown skin and dark hair and eyes. Their skin almost never burns, but since there is a natural skin pigmentation – tan on her background is hardly noticeable.
  6. Skin phototype six – African. It is characterized by dark skin color, black hair and eyes. Such skin absolutely never burns.

Features of care for different skin phototypes

According to the phototype of a person's skin, a specialist can select the necessary care products for him and give recommendations regarding skin protection from the sun:

  • with the first phototype, the skin reacts to ultraviolet radiation and some cosmetic procedures with burns, irritations and inflammation, therefore, the owners of such skin should not be exposed to the sun for more than 10 minutes, and it is necessary to use products with an SPF over 40. At the same time, hyperpigmentation almost never occurs on the skin of such patients;
  • For those with type 2 skin, short exposure to the sun is recommended – up to 20 minutes, as well as the use of sunscreen with an SPF level of 20-40;
  • Third skin phototype can be exposed to the sun for up to 30 minutes, and the SPF level in the sunscreen must be at least 10-20;
  • People with skin type 4 can be exposed to the sun for quite a long time, but they are also recommended sunscreen with SPF  10-20. In this case, it protects the patient's skin not from burns, but from photoaging;
  • Sun protection is not necessary for those with skin types 5 and 6.

Skin phototype – it is a genetic feature that determines the individual reaction of each person's skin to exposure to sunlight.

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Article author: estet-portal.com

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