Human skin is a kind of excretory organ, which, by its appearance, can tell a lot to an experienced specialist.
The appearance of rashes, scars, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation – all this indicates some processes or disorders in the body. So, the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the skin may have its own reasons.
Chloasma is the most common type of skin hyperpigmentation after freckles, secondary pigmentation against the background of deep dermatitis, burns and age-related changes.
Chloasma (melasma, melasma) is an acquired pigment spot.
Read more on causes, manifestations and methods of elimination of chloasma.
- What pathological processes can cause chloasma
- Appearance, location and sensations of chloasma
- What dermatological processes differentiate chloasma
- Can you get rid of chloasma? Basic cosmetic methods What pathological processes can cause chloasma Chloasma is significantly more common in women than in men. Its appearance is due to excessive deposition of melanin pigment in areas of the skin. Most doctors and researchers believe that the appearance of chloasma is due to metabolic and endocrine disorders.
Conditions that may be accompanied by chloasma:
liver diseases (liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B); pathological processes in women (salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, adnexitis);
in women taking oral contraceptivesyou.
- People who expose their skin to prolonged sun exposure or artificial light sources are also more likely to develop chloasma.
- Trenexamic Acid Treatment of Melasma: A Review of Therapeutic Efficacy
Chloasma is an area of skin with increased pigmentation. Its color can fluctuate within different shades of brown.
Chloasma has uneven clear boundaries and does not rise above the surface of the skin.
PigmentationChloasma is most often located on the face:
periorbital area;
forehead; cheeks; upper lip;
- The chin and eyelids are usually not affected.
- Rarely, the patch may also be located on the inner thighs, chest, and midline of the abdomen.
- Chloasmata are usually isolated from each other, but may be multiple and coalesce, forming large patches of hyperpigmentation.
The appearance of chloasma is not accompanied by pain or itching. The only sensation with chloasma – it is a subjective psychological and aesthetic discomfort.
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What dermatological processes differentiate chloasma
At the appointment with a dermatologist, the doctor conducts an examination, it is important to clarify the anamnesis to exclude the congenital or post-inflammatory nature of chloasma.
Dermatoscopy and siascopy are used to select the method of treatment for chloasma.
When chloasma appears, the patient is referred for a consultation with a gastroenterologist, women are also referred to a gynecologist to identify the possible cause of the appearance of a pigment spot.
border pigmentary nevus;
secondary hyperpigmentation
occupational melasma; Mongolian spot;
- for large chloasma – with giant pigmented nevusom.
- When Melanocytes Become the Enemy: Key Approaches to Treating Hyperpigmentation
- Is it possible to get rid of chloasma? What are the main cosmetic methods
- Patients with chloasma should avoid prolonged sun exposure and avoid sun exposure without sunscreen. If violations of the side of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrinology are detected, it is necessary to correct the pathological conditions.
Substances that can reduce melanin synthesis in the skin:
Pigment synthesis inhibitors in melanocytes – hydroquinone, azelaic acid;
tyrosinase inhibitors - arbutin, kojic acid;
vitamin C derivatives.
Some substances are toxic (hydroquinone) and should be used with care.
The above listed products are part of the whitening creams and ointments used to treat chloasma.
Chemical peels use glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, lactic acid, and citric acid.- Glycolic peel, retinoic peel, phenolic peel, TCA and AHA peels are often used for chloasma.
- Such hardware methods as laser peeling, dermabrasion and cryotherapy have a good effect.
- Photorejuvenation, cryomassage, laser cosmetology, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are also used.
Correction of hyperpigmentation: the choice of effective treatments for melasma
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