When people talk about the use of stem cells, they usually talk about either those cells that are always present in the human body and support its vital activity, or those cells that have been used in preparations based on the latest biotechnologies. In our time, when the technologies of the future are rapidly moving into the present, it is very important to handle innovative drugs carefully, including those that use stem cells and their metabolic products, checking the reliability of clinical trials and the effectiveness of their results. Some aspects of the benefits of stem cells for the skin were considered by estet-portal.com.
Features of different types of stem cells in the body
Human life begins with a stem cell – totipotent zygote, which becomes a source of information for all subsequent processes of development of tissues and organs of a new organism. Further, in the process of embryo growth, many cellular transformations occur, stem cells of this period of development & nbsp; are called pluripotent – capable of transforming into cells of any type, and then multipotent – forming different types of tissues.
The adult human body has a variety of stem cells that can be found in many tissues.
Adult body retains reserves of multipotent cells (however, they can no longer turn into any tissue), and in most organs there are oligopotent cells – their job is to creating new cells of certain tissues of a particular organ to replace those specialized cells that have already served their time and are dying.
The most famous of the multipotent cells of the human body, which cause maximum attention of doctors – these are hematopoietic (creators of blood cells) and mesenchymal (which are able to turn into bone or adipose tissue, and under certain conditions into other tissues). The most studied source of both mesenchymal and hematopoietic cells is the bone marrow. Hematopoietic cells can also be obtained from cord blood, and mesenchymal – from adipose tissue.
Fig.1 Stem Cell Storage
Mesenchymal stem cells: what they can do and how they are used
Today, mesenchymal stem cells are being obtained not only from adipose or umbilical cord tissue, but also from more exotic sources – for example, from menstrual blood, dental pulp, and even from breast milk. Such a high interest in their production is due to the peculiarity of these cells to receive a signal about tissue damage in one place or another and remotely regulate regeneration processes in the damage zone, highlighting the necessary growth factors, cytokines, and other signal molecules.
Today, a huge amount of scientific and clinical research is being carried out in the world aimed at using stem cells of this type for the treatment of non-healing wounds, damage to the musculoskeletal system, the treatment of autoimmune and neurological diseases, and other pathologies.
Using skin stem cells to renew skin
Human skin also has its own stem cells, which differ in origin and location. Their task is to restore and heal skin lesions, and today researchers already have a considerable number of methods to influence these cells to solve dermatological and cosmetic problems.
In addition to using skin stem cells directly, researchers have learned how to extract valuable waste products from them – e.g. growth factors.
Signal molecules isolated from skin stem cells are capable of activating or slowing down the work of various other cells, forcing them to produce some products in response. The effectiveness of such concentrates, derived from stem cell products, has already been proven to wound healing.
Of course, when working with drugs that have stem cell products in their composition, it is necessary to explain to the patient all the risks of their use, conduct a preliminary thorough examination of the patient before the procedure and monitor the condition after, preferably for a long time.
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