Лечение акне: секреты эффективного ухода за кожей

Acne — this is one of the most common skin problems. The disease is considered polyetiological, and therefore requires complex treatment. Competent acne therapy can significantly improve the condition of the patient's skin, and most importantly — improve the quality of his life.

Acne treatment most often involves hormonal therapy and antibiotics, however, we should not forget that properly selected skin care allows you to achieve the desired result faster and avoid exacerbation of the disease.

Read this article on estet-portal.com in Skin care in complex acne treatment: main features

There are many factors that can cause acne, but most often hormonal changes play a major role.

It is the endocrine factors that provoke disruption of the sebaceous glands, resulting in:

•    increases sebum secretion;

•    the outflow of sebum worsens;

•    the penetration of the infection into the duct of the gland occurs;

•    inflammation develops.

To effectively treat acne, it is necessary to counteract these factors, first of all, by normalizing the hormonal background.

Skin care is of great importance in the complex therapy of acne, which helps to cleanse it, regulate sebum formation and reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Vitabrid C12 SPOT Essence, thanks to the stabilized vitamin C it contains, reduces sebum secretion and also has a protective antioxidant effect, which helps to neutralize inflammation.

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Acne treatment: what ingredients will help the skin to improve

What ingredients in skin care products play a key role in acne treatment? Pay attention to those products that contain:

•    salicylic acid, which has a bactericidal and keratolytic effect;

•    zinc, which reduces sebum secretion and has an anti-inflammatory effect;

•    vitamin C — a powerful antioxidant, a microelement that regulates the secretion of sebum, as well as stimulating the synthesis of collagen;

•    activated charcoal, which absorbs excess sebum, and also contributes to a deeper cleansing of the skin;

•    kaolin, saturating the skin with microelements;

•    eucalyptus extract, which has a disinfecting and drying effect.

Choosing a skin care product for problem skin is not an easy task for a doctor, which requires a strictly individual approach. It is important to remember that all of these remedies can have both positive effects and side effects. gentle care

Problem Skin Care: Form Matters Problem skin requires special attention, so even the form of skincare product matters. When prescribing home care for a patient with acne, it is best to forego ointments and creams in favor of gels.

You should also be careful with lotions, choosing ones that do not contain alcohol.

Preference should be given to sera, which can enhance the effect of drugs used as the main treatment. However, it is best to prescribe them not on an ongoing basis, but in a certain course.

Essences, unlike serum, have a milder effect, and therefore can be prescribed for a fairly long period of time.

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Thus, Vitabrid C12 products contain active vitamin C, as well as zinc, which enhances its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. About,

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