Плазмолифтинг – сфера применения и основные преимущества

For many years of human history, scientists around the world have been trying to create an "elixir of youth" that can make a non-surgical facelift, preserve and prolong the natural beauty and radiance of our young and healthy skin, using various innovations and secrets of aesthetic medicine!

But it turns out that nature took care not only of the harmonious and holistic structure of our body. She daily takes care of maintaining the longevity of our outer beauty. And the "elixir of youth" is constantly circulating in our blood vessels, and it is nothing but our blood.

The main "players" in this case are platelets, the smallest blood cells that carry the secrets of longevity of the skin, being in the flow of our blood plasma. This unique feature of our blood is used by a new method of facial rejuvenation – plasmolifting, or as it is called in Europe "Dracula Therapy" and S3 (Stimulated Self Serum Skin Therapy) – an injection method of skin rejuvenation based on the introduction platelet-rich plasma in human tissue (PRP technology).

The principle of operation of plasma-lifting

Let's consider how the skin renewal mechanism is triggered at the cellular level. Platelets contain specific proteins, the so-called growth factors. It is these biologically active polypeptide molecules that are responsible for the processes of regeneration, renewal and growth of cells in our body.

The most important growth factors are platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epithelial growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF). They are able to "give" biochemical signals that are perceived by sensitive receptors located on the surface of the cells of the whole organism.

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Receptors, having received a signal, start the process of division and growth of new cells. An increase in the concentration of platelets in the blood accelerates the process of tissue repair, while performing the main function of plasmolifting. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) also makes it possible to speed up cell regeneration processes by several times.

Also, injections of platelet-rich plasma can activate the mechanisms of intercellular metabolism, the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for tone, water balance and skin regeneration at the cellular level.

Indications for a course of rejuvenation procedures using plasmolifting are age-related changes in the skin: its dryness, thinness, decreased tone and elasticity, wrinkles, pallor, lethargy, dull color, as well as the adverse effects of the external environment. PRP is used to rejuvenate the décolleté, hands and neck in women and men.

The main skin imperfections that plasma lifting will help to cope with

1. Unwanted changes and problem areas of the skin:

  • wrinkles;
  • dry, sluggish skin;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin; 
  • epidermal damage;
  • poor skin color and relief;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • lack of biologically active substances;
  • weak cell oxygenation;
  • rapid loss of epidermal moisture;
  • weak functioning of local immunity;
  • acne;
  • weak regenerative function of the skin;
  • prevention of stretch marks in case of sudden weight gain/loss;
  • skin rehabilitation after excessive insolation;
  • skin rehabilitation after laser or chemical peeling, deep and medium peeling, deep laser resurfacing;
  • preparation of the skin for plastic surgery.

2. Hair regrowth:

  • suppression of bacterial growth on the scalp;
  • stopping the death of hair follicles;
  • restoration of hair structure and diameter;
  • Improve hair quality;
  • stimulation of new hair growth.

3. In dentistry, plasmolifting is used for:

  • acceleration of the processes of osseointegration (engraftment) of dental implants;
  • treatment of periodontitis.

Plasmolifting technique

From the patient, 20 to 40 ml of venous blood is taken from the cubital vein (same as when taking venous blood for analysis), which is placed in a special centrifuge, where it is processed for 5-15 minutes. To isolate platelets from native blood, the centrifuge must operate in two stages. At the first stage, the heaviest cells are isolated from the plasma – erythrocytes.

During the second stage, the plasma is divided into two fractions: platelet-rich and platelet-poor. At the same time, in PRP, in addition to a high concentration of platelets, there are leukocytes and erythrocytes (in a small amount).

About plasma lifting (PRP technology) - skin rejuvenation procedure, the elixir of youth of our time

The purpose of this centrifugation is to obtain plasma with a platelet concentration of 1,000,000/µl. Only at such a concentration will its stimulating effect be manifested. One-step method for obtaining PRP is not suitable. With whole blood centrifugation in one step, we can only obtain a mixture of platelet-rich and platelet-poor plasma with an extremely low concentration of the latter.

After being in the centrifuge, the blood enters the patient's body, but it is already renewed and enriched.

Injections of platelet-rich plasma are carried out according to the principles of mesotherapy and contouring to smooth wrinkles, as well as to biologically active acupuncture points. The choice of administration scheme is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the individual indications of the patient.

During the first course of the procedure, the main work is done to eliminate age-related skin changes. However, to save and maintain the result, it is necessary to undergo several procedures (3-4 sessions with a frequency of 1 time in 14 days).

Since PRP is made using one's own blood, any toxic and immunoreactive reactions are excluded, the plasmolifting procedure is considered absolutely safe!

The only contraindications or obstacles for the plasma-lifting procedure can be:

  • systemic blood diseases;
  • unstable hemodynamics;
  • impaired platelet function;
  • blood poisoning;
  • allergy to pro- and anticoagulants;
  • pronounced skin ptosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • mental illness;
  • taking an aspirin.

The duration of the effect of plasmolifting is purely individual and depends on such factors as: the initial quality of the skin, the age and general health of the patient. The visible effect of rejuvenation occurs after the first procedure and lasts up to 6 months, so cosmetologists recommend repeating plasmolifting once every six months. It is not worth abusing plasmolifting (i.e. taking a course more often than 2 times a year), because. any stimulation is good in moderation.

Plasmolifting – the elixir of youth of our time

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