Применение витамина Н (биотина) в процессе лечения вульгарного акне

Acne vulgaris is a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, the functioning of which is associated with the influence of many factors; they are one of the most urgent problems of modern family medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, due to the high prevalence among the population, especially at a young age.

Diagnosis of acne is not an easy task and requires consultations of a family doctor, pediatrician, dermatovenereologist and other specialists, numerous studies of the hormonal state, instrumental monitoring of various organs and body systems.

Find out in the article estet-portal.com what is the prevention of acne, what factors influence it and what vitamin preparations can improve the condition of your skin.

The place of genetics and heredity in the nosology of acne vulgaris 

In recent years, researchers have emphasized the leading role of genetics and hereditary predisposition in the development of vulgar disease.

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As noted by a number of authors, hyperandrogenism and a high number of receptors of hair follicle and sebaceous gland cells for testosterone derivatives are genetically determined.

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A. Wael in his works shows that not only the processes of keratinization in the hair follicle can be genetically determined, but also changes in the chemical composition of sebum, in the family history of acne patients there is always a certain family predisposition to this disease.

According to the literature, acne vulgaris ranks third in the structure of dermatological diseases.

Acne pathogenesis

Thanks to the fundamental research of scientists, it was possible to establish the main mechanisms that lead to the development of acne.

The main role in their pathogenesis is played by four main mechanisms:

1) androgenetic overproduction of sebum, associated with an increase in the levels of androgenic hormones, an increase in the activity of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, an increase in the sensitivity of androgen receptors on the surface of the sebaceous gland;

2) increased proliferation of follicular keratinocytes with impaired differentiation, leading to follicular hyperkeratosis and further occurrence of comedones;

4) colonization of sebaceous hair follicles by Propionіbacterium acnes;

5) Inflammatory processes and their distribution.

Simple secrets for perfect skin

Hormones that affect the production of sebum 

It is generally accepted that the skin plays a major role in the metabolism of steroid hormones, with the sebaceous glands, epidermis and hair follicles being their main targets.

The main hormones that stimulate sebum secretion are:

-free testosterone (of testicular or ovarian origin);

-4-androstenedione (ovarian or adrenal origin)

- dehydroepiandrosterone (adrenal origin);

-progesterone (precursor of testosterone, estrogens and adrenocorticoids).

During puberty, the ratio between androgens and estrogens is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of acne on the skin. Moreover, the level of androgens in patients with acne is usually 2 times higher than their concentration in the blood of healthy individuals of the same age.

Other causes of acne

In addition to genetic and endocrine causes of acne, much attention is paid to exogenous and endogenous factors. Considering exogenous causes, a number of authors point to alimentary factors, such as excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats with food, others pay attention to the use of gonadotropic, estrogenic, corticosteroid hormones, iodine, bromine, lithium, quinine, rifampicin preparations.

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Some researchers focus on mechanical irritation of comedone-prone skin, constant skin contact with comedogenic substances, such as mineral oils, cosmetics based on lanolin and vaseline (greasy creams, powders, blush, shadows, etc.) , insolation.

Use of biotin in the treatment of acne

Vitamin therapy and vitamin prophylaxis of acne is, first of all, in the appointment of vitamin H (biotin). Vitamin H promotes the absorption of bicarbonate ions by tissues and activates carboxylation reactions in enzymes.

Biotin acts as a coenzyme for carboxylase, has an insulin-like effect, participates in the process of gluconeogenesis (due to participation in the synthesis of glucokinase), which contributes to the stabilization of blood sugar levels. At the same time, vitamin H reduces the expression of hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carbooxykinase, an enzyme that stimulates the synthesis of glucose in the liver.

During treatment, patients should not consume raw egg white as it may inhibit the effectiveness of biotin.

Biotin also helps reduce total cholesterol, which is extremely important in preventing acne. Effective in the treatment and prevention of acne is the use of biotin analogues (vitamin H) in a daily dose of 2.5-5 mg.

The advantage of the vitamin is water solubility, which leads to high bioavailability and allows for a therapeutic effect directly in the skin, nail matrix and hair follicle; almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects, minimal risk of allergic reactions.

Jessner Peel and TCA: Personal Acne Experience

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