Свойства гиалуроновой кислоты. Методы заполнения морщин. Бланшинг

A necessary component of the human body and skin is hyaluronic acid.  It regulates water balance in all tissues of the body, and also takes part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen. A decrease in the amount of this acid in the body is primarily noticeable on the skin face. In childhood and adolescence, the skin is smooth and elastic, but over the years, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down, which contributes to the development of dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Find out more in our article on estet-portal.com, what tissue saturation techniques are available the necessary hyaluronic acid for them, as well as the procedure for filling wrinkles.

Properties of hyaluronic acid and methods of its introduction in cosmetology

Modern dermatocosmetology copes with the problem of skin aging and reduces the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by introducing it from the outside. This process creates conditions for synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid by the bodyHyaluronic acid is an important constituent of the nerves, muscles, skin and other tissues of the body.

She performs a number of important functions:

  • promotes regeneration of tissues;
  • holds water;
  • heals wounds;
  • increases local cellular immunity;
  • the acid in the skin fills the gaps between the fibrous elements of the skin – collagen and elastin, and also takes part in their production;
  • main function – very high hydrophilicity.
It is known that one molecule of hyaluronic acid attracts approximately 700 water molecules to itself, which helps to retain moisture in the skin. Even a 1% aqueous solution of hyaluronic acid is no longer a liquid, but a viscous gel.

Therefore, hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetology, achieving the desired results.

There are many different methods of administering products based on hyaluronic acid, among which are contouring, mesotherapy, biorevitalization procedure and wrinkle filling technique (blanching).

Read also: Basic techniques for correcting superficial wrinkles

Read more about these procedures in other articles on our portal.  Read more about the wrinkle filling procedure below.

3 stages of wrinkle formation. Wrinkle filling agents

Wrinkles appear gradually, their depth depends on the type of skin, location and degree of dehydration of the skin.

At the stage of formation, a wrinkle can go through 3 stages:

1. Superficial - located in the upper layers of the skin and is easily corrected;

2. Deep wrinkle - in addition to the superficial layers, the deep layers of the skin are also involved. For elimination, it is often necessary to combine Botox and filler preparations;

3. Furrow - when the wrinkle has covered all layers of the skin with the underlying layer of subcutaneous fat. In appearance, the wrinkle resembles a scar. To fill a wrinkle of such depth, in addition to Botox and / or filler, you will need peeling or laser resurfacing.

Wrinkle filling or blanching is a new direction in contouring.

Standard technologies for the introduction of fillers may not always bring the desired result, then blanching is an excellent addition to the correction of skin areas with wrinkles.

Filling of wrinkles during blanching is carried out with the help of superficial injection of the filler into the skin creases. The procedure allows you to eliminate static wrinkles.  

Wrinkle treatment is chosen individually by the cosmetologist.

In some cases, you can get by with Botox, which will smooth wrinkles at the injection site, for deep wrinkles, you need to use filler to fill wrinkles , which will fill the areas of the skin with wrinkles.

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Wrinkle filling with filler is used in such cases:

  • As an alternative to Botox when the patient has contraindications to the drug, or based on the patient's personal preference;
  • Together with Botox injections, if deep wrinkles need to be filled;
  • In the area of ​​the lower third of the face, with wrinkles of laughter and "purse-string"; wrinkles when Botox injections cause articulation discomfort.

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Filling of wrinkles with fillers is carried out for patients with many small wrinkles on the skin. Wrinkles that the blanching technique is suitable for filling

In the presence of

fine superficial

wrinkles, a wrinkle filling technique is often used - blanching.

Blanching is used to fill wrinkles in the following areas:

nasolabial folds;
  • forehead;
  • neck to eliminate the "rings of Venus";
  • decollete and arms;
  • perioral zone;
  • periorbital zone.
  • The procedure for filling wrinkles is recommended to be carried out in 2 stages, with a break between the stages of a month. After the procedure
, the rehabilitation period

takes an average of 3-7 days.

Read also: 

Contouring with new generation fillers The result after wrinkle filling lasts for

8-10 months

, depending on the preparation and skin condition. The procedure for filling wrinkles with fillers is suitable for all skin types. The procedure is performed by a dermatocosmetologist after consultation.

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