Тренды в общении: кого хотят видеть и слышать сейчас

Fashion changes, new technologies come, and human communication, which is the foundation for any business (including medical), remains unchanged.

To make communication pleasant and convenient both for the other person and for yourself, it is sometimes useful to remember even the ancient Greeks and valuable things that were known 2500 years ago. And we continue to talk about them today, because it turns out that these truths became the basis for modern oratorical trends!

Oratory – the most powerful persuasion tool that is indispensable for people in business. Therefore, everyone who wants to successfully develop their business is obliged to learn how to use it.  This is exactly what Alexander Zaema – a popular public speaking coach who has worked with many major companies, including Microsoft.

At the BusinesShot-4.0 conference dedicated to the promotion of the medical business, Alexander spoke about communication trends and life hacks for successful public speaking.

A little theory about successful communication

Man continues to be the highest value, despite the flourishing and cultivation of high technologies. After all, what are they worth without a person? No business bot will work without human coordination.

Even Aristotle said that ethos, logos and pathos must simultaneously coincide in a person.

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Ethos – this is what we call reputation today (when it is known who you are even before you started talking, whether they trust you in absentia, what kind of "trail" stretches for you). Logo – this is the essence, meaning, what we call content today. Is your personal content meaningful, structured, consistent, logical, "delicious"? Paphos involves presenting what you say in a certain way, so that it includes emotions and makes you want to listen.

How to be a good speaker: speak so that you are heard and heard

Note: we use all this in communication to convince people and arouse sympathy, and today, we just call it differently. The fashion for a truly charismatic person always remains! And he is charismatic and convincing only when he combines all three qualities of Aristotle.

So always back up a good speech with an emotional performance, and definitely never forget to keep your reputation up!

Trends and Secrets of Successful Public Speaking

Any successful speaker knows that it's not just the carefully crafted text of the speech that influences the success of his speech.

A successful speech involves many building blocks:

  • Emotions
  • Mimicry
  • Gestures
  • Position and body language
  • Intonation
  • Timbre and volume of voice
  • Eye contact

And that's not all! Read a little more about each item below.

Very often a good speech is killed not only by the lack of emotion of the speaker, but also by a sluggish or even stern facial expression. Alas, the majority of the Slavs are not used to smiling for no reason. But in vain! After all, a smile – the only universal facial expression on the planet!

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People all over the world smile the same way. Everywhere a smile signals goodwill and kindness.

Do you want to win over a client or listeners and inspire confidence? Smile!

In addition, a smile turns on a return smile, relaxing the interlocutor with the help of the reaction of mirror neurons.
Another important nuance – gestures and movements. Hands should not be "frozen", they should reflect the dynamics of your story (do not confuse dynamics with fussiness!). Use your hands on business, placing accents with gestures in the right places in the speech – don't wave them randomly. In general, body language and posture are just as important.

Oratory in Business: Effective Tips and Exercises

Lightness and simplicity are in trend now. The easier and simpler you communicate, tell, write, the better from the point of view of the modern audience. Simply – it doesn't mean primitive, but it does mean – clear. And, of course, we remember the purity of speech!

Don't forget about the correct intonation – this is the flair and aftertaste that remains after your speech and can make listeners remember it for a long time.

Properly placed pauses can be attributed to intonation, or can be considered as a separate way to add expressiveness to the speaker's speech.

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It is worth working on the timbre of the voice. Although it is generally accepted that low voices sound more pleasant, specifically "bassing" don't if you don't want to scare or put your listeners to sleep. Change intonations, adjust your voice to the meaning of your speech.

Voice – it's a tool. And your main tool. Use all its features, learn to "calibrate" it, work on it!

Professional speakers recommend recording your voice as often as possible and filming yourself so you know what needs to be worked on.

Read also: Online broadcasts in social networks as an important means of audience engagement

By the way, the volume of the – does not guarantee the attention of the audience. But the moderate alternation of "loud-quiet" and other game of contrasts will not let you get bored and will constantly keep the audience in a pleasant tension.

Eye contact – another must point that allows you to adjust your performance on the go if the reaction of the audience does not satisfy you.

Any modern business person should be able to communicate and convince people, including mastering the art of public speaking. This is not a bonus, this is a must have! Train, become a great speaker and don't give others your chance to influence people with words.

Want to know more? Then book your seat now at the next Business Shot 5.0 conference to learn even more secrets to promote your business!

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