12 лучших вариантов планки – и каждая мышца тела в тонусе

Perhaps, the plank has long been an integral part of any workout. This simple, at first glance, exercise perfectly keeps all the muscles in good shape, because in order to maintain the correct position of the body, you have to strain your stomach, buttocks, arms, and legs. If you have already learned how to properly perform the classic form of this exercise, estet-portal.com offers you to familiarize yourself with the bar options that will make your workout more varied and

Straight-forward plank variations to help strengthen your whole body

The plank options described and illustrated below can be performed by both professionals and beginners. However, the latter need to correctly calculate their strength – you don't have to exhaust yourself by doing the full number of reps listed in the description.

Focus on getting the exercise right at first, and you can gradually increase the time or intensity of the movement.

  1. Jump Plank

This variation of the popular exercise will not only work your arms, core, and lower body, but will also be a great workout for the heart.

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  • start in a plank position (feet together);
  • fix the body in a stable position, tighten the abdominal muscles;
  • in a jump, spread your legs wide apart;
  • now jump back to their starting position;
  • adjust the speed of jumps depending on your capabilities;
  • 30 jumps = 1 set; Your goal – 2 sets.


  1. Two-Point Plank

This exercise will not be easy to do, however, once you learn how to do it, the exercise will "pay off" in the form of a stable and strong torso.

  • start in plank position;
  • put your right foot closer to the center line;
  • tear off the left leg from the floor and lift it so that the heel is at the level of the pelvis;
  • while keeping the body stable, raise your right hand forward;
  • try to hold the position for 10 seconds;
  • Your ultimate goal – 3 sets x 5-7 reps per side.


  1. Elbow Plank

This exercise – a fairly common version of the plank, which many master at the same time as the classic variation of the exercise.

  • get down on your forearms and knees;
  • straighten your legs one by one, assuming a plank position;
  • tighten your stomach;
  • spine should be parallel to the floor;
  • hold in position for as long as possible;
  • Gradually increase the time up to 1 minute.


  1. Elbow plank with throw

If the elbow plank has become a familiar exercise for you, it's time to make it harder.

  • from a plank position on your elbows, bend your right leg, keeping your foot parallel to the floor;
  • raise your leg towards the ceiling (while keeping your pelvis still);
  • slightly lower your left leg;
  • repeat movement 15 – 20 times;
  • do three sets for each leg

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  1. Dynamic bar

During this exercise, you will not only have to keep the body in the bar, but also move up and down. Here's how it's done:

  • take a classic plank position;
  • starting on the right side, lower your elbow to the floor;
  • now lower your left elbow to the floor (thus you have moved to a plank position on your elbows);
  • now raise your right and then your left arm to the starting position of the classic plank;
  • You completed one rep;
  • Your goal – 10 reps starting on each side.


  1. Plank with Leg Raise

This version of the plank helps to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, waist, abdominal muscles, back, outer thighs and buttocks.

  • put your right elbow on the floor;
  • straighten your legs so that your body forms a straight line and you balance on the outer edge of your right foot;
  • raise your left hand up or put it on your thigh;
  • keeping your back straight and tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your left leg up;
  • slowly lower your leg into the PI;
  • Your goal – 3 sets x 15-20 reps per side.


  1. Reverse plank

Practice this stance to tone your triceps, quads, glutes, and abs.

  • put your palms and feet on the floor so that your stomach is pointing towards the ceiling;
  • inhale and as you exhale straighten your legs and arms so that your hips and back are parallel to the floor;
  • stay in the position for the maximum amount of time;
  • Your goal – 3 sets x 15-20 reps.


  1. Reverse Plank with Leg Raise

The shoulders, legs and stomach will be most involved in this variation of the exercise.

  • sit on your ass;
  • straighten your legs;
  • put palms about 10 cm behind;
  • fingers pointing towards toes;
  • resting on your feet, lift your ass off the floor (reverse plank position);
  • Alternately raise your right and left leg;
  • movements should be slow and steady;
  • keep your hips up;
  • ultimate goal – 3 sets x 15-20 lifts of each leg.


  1. Weighted Plank

This version of the plank makes the whole body work as much as possible.

  • start in a plank position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart;
  • grab the dumbbells with your hands;
  • stretching the muscles of the core and buttocks, exhale, keeping the torso in a stable position;
  • raise your left arm bent at the elbow towards the ceiling, as shown in the picture;
  • while keeping your neck extended, put the dumbbell back in place;
  • repeat the same movement on the right hand;
  • end goal: 3 sets x 10 reps per arm.


  1. Plank Side Raise

The main thing of this plank variant is balancing. Estet-portal.com warns: this move is not easy:

  • start in a traditional plank position;
  • holding the stability of the torso, slowly extend the left arm to the side;
  • pull in the belly;
  • try to hold the position for 5 seconds;
  • return your hand to the starting position;
  • keep your back straight;
  • repeat the movement with the other hand;
  • end goal: 3 sets x 7 reps.


  1. Plank Side Raise

In this exercise, you will engage both sides of the body in turn.

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  • start with a side plank position on your elbow (rest on your left forearm, take your right hand to your head);
  • without lowering your waist, lift your right leg to your shoulder and lightly touch your right elbow with it;
  • straighten your leg;
  • ultimate goal – 3 sets x 10 reps.


  1. Plank + climber
  • lower down to a classic plank position;
  • bring your right knee to your right elbow;
  • return the leg to the starting position;
  • repeat the same movement with your left foot;
  • ultimate goal: maximum number of repetitions in 30 seconds.


By doing these plank variations, you can make your workout as varied and effective as possible. However, estet-portal.com warns that some of the above exercises will be very difficult for beginners.

Take your time, work on your technique, rest if necessary – and you will succeed!

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