At a young age, we often do not think about our actions, because we believe that there is still a lot of time ahead. But still, one day comes the realization that some mistakes of youth can no longer be corrected, and it was they who affected both career and personal life. In this article, we will talk about the reckless actions that young people between the ages of 20 and 30 commit and how to avoid these mistakes.

15 mistakes of youth that can change your life for the worse

Mistake 1. Confidence that success depends solely on talent and education

Of course, to be an educated and talented person – this is great, but such features are only a part of what will be useful to you in achieving your goal. To become successful, a person must "work hard" day and night – this is how the founders of the world's largest companies describe the beginning of their careers. You need to realize that you can achieve what you want thanks to the three points – perseverance, hard work and dedication. Remember, success is never easy, even if you have received the best education and are very talented.

Mistake 2. Neglecting health

When we get older, we begin to gradually realize that it is no longer possible to live the same way as in our student years. After the age of 25, malnutrition, alcohol consumption and smoking move from the category of acceptable food to the rank of dangerous habits.

In addition, one of the mistakes of youth is the neglect of not only physical but also psychological health. According to studies, often psychological problems arise precisely at the age of 20-30 years.

Mistake 3. Not saving money

Most young people are ironic about the mention of taking care of their old age. In fact, there is nothing strange or funny about this and it is worth starting to postpone as early as possible, because these mistakes of youth will 100% "backfire".

Mistake 4. Equating happiness and money

Undoubtedly, a high salary and a prestigious job can make a person more satisfied with his life at the moment, but more than that. If you put only money in the first place in your youth, and not your favorite business, you can very much wish at a more mature age.

Mistake 5. Giving up at the first sign of trouble

Separation from a loved one, dismissal, problems with studies – all this is perceived at a young age as a real disaster. At the same time, the correct solution is to perceive failures as material for self-improvement, and not an excuse to give preference to simpler tasks.

Mistake 6. Dependence on the opinions of others

Never let the opinions of others influence your decisions. It is how you perceive yourself that should shape your image in the eyes of others.

Mistake 7. Lack of patience

There is a common stereotype that by the age of 30, everyone should have time to start a family, reach the top of a career, build a house or buy an apartment, etc. Main – be patient and fully focus on what is happening at the moment.

The concept of deferred gratification is to focus only on decisions that will determine your future life, instead of obsessing over deadlines that you must have time to invest in.

Mistake 8. Desire to please everyone

It is very pleasant to maintain friendly relations with colleagues, but one should always consider that everyone likes – impossible. It is important to realize that there will always be people on your life path who do not like you, even if there is absolutely no reason for this. What to do? Just accept it and move on.

Mistake 9. Believing that friendship will last forever

Sooner or later, people leave our lives. Only by living in different cities with friends can you realize who is really dear to you and who is worth spending your time on.

Mistake 10. Confidence that moving quickly solves problems

Thanks to traveling and living in a new country, my horizons expand significantly. But one of the most common mistakes of youth is the belief that moving will help to realize the meaning of life.

Mistake 11. Creating a void around yourself

It is important to learn how to build relationships with good people whom you treat with respect, and communication with those who are unpleasant to you  discard without the slightest regret.

Mistake 12. Seeing the world in black and white

One of the most common mistakes of youth – absolute maximalism in everything. For example, many people believe that they will have to choose between a career for personal success and a business that benefits society, while social value and personal interest may not contradict each other at all.

Mistake 13. Searching for "soul mate"

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, it takes a lot of hard work to get close to perfection. One part of people under 30 remain single, others are constantly in search of a future wife or spouse.

Mistake of youth – to think that as soon as you meet the right person, everything will work out by itself and it will be an ideal relationship. In fact, any long-term relationship is built on constant sacrifices, compromises, accepting other people's shortcomings and explaining the motives of one's actions.

Mistake 14. Trying to plan ahead

It is very difficult to predict what position you will occupy, and in general, how your profile will change. So stop planning your future 5 years in advance and focus entirely on your current tasks.

Mistake 15. Thinking everything is easy for everyone except you

At a young age, it seems to many that friends are more successful in the professional field and they have more self-confidence than you do.

In order not to regret your actions in the future, try to avoid these mistakes of youth.

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