Psychologists say that people experience pleasure from the work done when they see its real results. But what if you are not a lumberjack and sawing trees is clearly not part of your job duties? However, they involve the fulfillment of those monotonous obligations that eventually add up to a beautiful project.
But sometimes its completion turns into a rush job. This is due to the "black" holes into which priceless hours flow. In order to prevent them, we are learning how to properly allocate time so that we can always do everything.
Time planning: strictly according to internal clock
Tip #1. You have a letter, dance! Email alerts are the most distracting. Moreover, the volume of important messages does not exceed no more than 20%. Everything else is usually advertisements or meaningless letters.
- To avoid wasting time, check your e-mail in the morning, in the afternoon and before leaving work.
- Don't parse emails when you are most productive. "Zhavoronkov" — in the morning, "owls" — evenings.
- For especially important partners and clients, create a separate email address. This is where the most important information will come in, and you won't have to go through all your mail to find it.
Tip #2. Phone on time. Rather than being distracted by phone calls during the day, it is better to give them one hour and make all the necessary calls.
- Before picking up the phone, think about what is more important: the case you are busy with, or the call.
Know how to spend time on yourself: rest — strictly according to the schedule
Tip #3: Creative mess on the desk. Our subconscious mind can remember a huge number of cases, but in the preconscious mind, two or three, no more, can stand in line. Accordingly, so many items should be on the desktop: a computer as the main element and several accompanying — folder with business papers, calculator, phone. Family photos, coffee cups and souvenirs — a place on the periphery of the table, as well as used documents.
- Creative mess at hand, when at the same time it is possible to find the necessary document at the right moment, it is economically justified: it saves 20% of working time.
Tip #4: Stop talking! The offer of a colleague to drink coffee or go to the smoking room for a couple of minutes sounds tempting. But you have a parka, but you don’t want to offend at all. In this case, try the red flag technique. Agree that if you have a red flag (or any other object) on your desk, you cannot be disturbed for the next hour.
- If they stop talking — do not accept invitations to sit next to you, the conversation will drag on.
- Carry a folder of papers with you — this will make it clear that every minute counts.
Tip #5: Big change. A school lesson lasts 45 minutes, and students take a break every hour and a half. Ideally, every hour you should be distracted from work for 5 minutes. Do not be afraid to spend this time on something — it will more than pay off when you return to business with double energy. True, provided that at this time you can & nbsp; switch your attention as much as possible and do not start scrolling through production problems in your head.
- If you have a sedentary job, get up and walk around.
- If you work with people, be alone.
- And don't play solitaire on your computer — will not help.
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