There are many diets aimed at getting rid of extra pounds, from the list of which literally everyone can choose the most advantageous and attractive option for themselves.
However, one of the most drastic options used to lose weight and get rid of excess fat is actually a great way to improve health and prolong life.
This is a one-day fast. will reveal the reasons for the popularity of one-day fasting, as well as talk about the rules that starving people must follow in order not to harm their health.
One-day fasting – benefits of not eating
First of all, it is worth noting that a one-day fast means a complete refusal of food and drink for 24 hours. This applies to all food and drink, except water, as dehydration is a serious threat to the entire body.
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The concept of fasting itself is not new – many believers practice refusing food due to religious beliefs, for some, the hunger strike – a way to attract public attention (for example, as part of political protests), there are also people for whom fasting – new diet trend.
24 hours – not a clearly established deadline for refusing food, but an approximate guideline for those who want to improve their health in this way. The fact is that the one-day period is chosen for most studies, during which they study the effect of short-term fasting on the body.
Potential Benefits of One Day Fast:
- lower cholesterol;
- improving heart health (assuming regular intermittent fasting);
- getting rid of excess fat;
- improvement of metabolism (by increasing the production of growth hormone);
- reducing the risk of diabetes;
- fighting stress and depression;
- enhanced detoxification;
- improvement of the immune system.
In addition, many people associate one-day fasting with self-control, discipline, and even clearing the mind.
To detect signs of acidification of the body in time - to protect yourself from diseases.
Precautions and Risks of Day Fasting
Despite the beneficial aspects of one-day fasting, there are risks that may be faced by those wishing to take advantage of the benefits of not eating. For example, this method is not suitable:
- People taking medications that must be taken with food or before or after meals;
- diabetics;
- pregnant;
- people with kidney failure;
- in case of heart failure, etc.
Important! In case of serious health problems, a doctor's consultation before a one-day fast is obligatory!
Find out: 6 most dangerous weight loss diets.
Important Rules for One-Day Fasting:
1. The entrance from the exit from fasting should be smooth. You can’t eat from the belly in the evening, and in the morning completely limit yourself to food. A few days before the planned day of refusing food, it is necessary to limit the consumption of meat, flour products, heavy foods as much as possible, and it is better to fill the day before the hunger strike mainly with vegetables and fruits. The same rule applies when exiting a one-day fast.
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2. Water is required. In no case should you deprive the body of clean water – it must be supplied in sufficient quantities to avoid dehydration and to eliminate toxins. Other drinks, even the healthiest teas and fresh juices, are not allowed.
3. Individual adjustment. Not everyone can easily go 24 hours without food. So you can start with, say, 8 hours without food, and eventually move up to 24 or even 36 hours.
4. Monitoring of well-being. Listen to your body. Of course, 24 hours without food will not lead to death, but some people may experience dizziness, slow or accelerated heart rate, headaches.
If you feel unwell, you may want to stop taking such drastic measures and see a doctor. Do not exhaust the body if it resists too violently.
In general, for people whose health is not weakened by chronic or acute diseases, regular one-day fasting (for example, once a week) will be a great way to improve well-being, activate the body's systems and get rid of a couple of extra pounds. Main – do it wisely and listen to your body!
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