7 причин записаться на прием к дерматологу

Skin problems, regardless of the part of the body where they occur, can cause a lot of inconvenience: acne, oily, dry skin, wrinkles, red spots, pigmentation disorders, dandruff, itching, calluses, etc. In some cases, they can be solved independently with the help of folk or pharmacy remedies. Yes, and our people are used to going to the doctor last. However, there are also such problems, in the event of which it is better to make an appointment with a dermatologist – it is about them that estet-portal.com will tell in this article. 

When should I make an appointment with a dermatologist

Even if you choose your skin care products carefully and follow the rules of hygiene and nutrition, it is possible that one day, looking in the mirror, you will find a mysterious rash, discoloration or neoplasm on the skin on your face or other part of the body. Of course, the first thing you will do is turn to the almighty Internet for help, where you will find a lot of assumptions about the nature of the origin of the mysterious change on the skin.

It is a smart decision to make an appointment with a dermatologist in the following cases:

  1. The presence of cystic acne or acne that cannot be eliminated by available means. Over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, combined with gentle skin care, can help clear up acne in many cases. If, even after two months of using any acne remedy, you have not succeeded, it is better to make an appointment with a dermatologist who will help solve the problem.
  2. If you notice an unusual change in the color or size of a mole, the presence of sores or other growths on the skin that bleed or do not go away, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist, as such phenomena may indicate skin cancer. In this case, an earlier appeal to a specialist is mandatory.
  3. Presence of itching and rash on the skin. A rash can be a sign of an allergic reaction, a symptom of many diseases, including eczema and other types of dermatitis. Rash and itching may be accompanied by painful sensations, as well as peeling of the skin. If you are sure that the rash – not the result of an allergic reaction to cosmetics, food or other substances, consult a dermatologist – it will help you find the cause of the problem.
  4. Persistent skin problems. For example, non-healing wounds, rosacea, dandruff, etc. In case of psoriasis, chronic seborrhea, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist – it will help to get rid of diseases as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  5. The presence of scars. If for some reason you have scars on your body that you want to get rid of, but it is not possible to make your skin smooth with various ointments and creams, it makes sense to contact a qualified dermatologist who will offer the most effective procedures.
  6. Appearance of brown spots on the skin (melasma). The color of these spots can vary from light brown to almost black. Again, if you cannot remove such spots on your own with the help of available means, the dermatologist will advise more effective options, for example, laser therapy.
  7. Stretch marks and cellulite. Despite all the promises of cosmetic companies, stretch marks and cellulite are not easy to get rid of. Only an integrated approach to this problem helps to significantly improve the appearance of the skin, although it is still impossible to remove cellulite by 100%.

Last but not least, estet-portal.com recommends visiting a dermatologist once a year. Firstly, preventive examinations will make you feel more confident, and secondly, it is during routine examinations that skin cancer is often detected. And in no case do not disregard the recently appeared incomprehensible neoplasms on the skin.

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