8 витаминов и микроэлементов для поднятия мужского тестостерона

Every man is jealous of the state of his potency. If it is lowered or for some reason he stops wanting sex, then the representatives of the stronger sex may experience a state of depression, dissatisfaction with themselves, disappointment in their own abilities and various kinds of depression.

The state of healthy potency is directly related to the production of male testosterone in the body. This hormone is not only responsible for the process of fertilization, but also for the external and internal state of the man. Therefore, it is very important to maintain its balance in the normal range.

Vitamins for the production of male testosterone

A very important factor in maintaining men's health is proper nutrition and, accordingly, getting the right vitamins by the body, insists estet-portal.com. The nutrition of a modern person is often monotonous and of poor quality, so you should pay attention to the vitamin components of food:

Vitamin C. If your work is stressful, then additional intake of this vitamin is simply necessary for your male health. The daily dose is 1000-1500 mg/day. If you smoke, then you need to take the vitamin almost constantly, since nicotine destroys it. Pay attention to citrus fruits, berries, greens, cabbage. You may need to take the over-the-counter version of this vitamin.

Vitamin E. It performs antioxidant functions. In addition, it does not allow insulin to destroy testosterone, creating a kind of barrier between these important hormones. Unlike female hormones (like estrogen), testosterone is not as aggressive, so it needs the protection of vitamin E. It is rich in any vegetable oil, herbs and egg yolk.

Vitamins B. Indispensable for increasing libido and improving potency. It renews energy reserves, stimulates the work of the heart muscle and nervous system. To replenish it in the body, you need to eat dairy products, fish, carrots and nuts.

Vitamin D. Also contributes to the production of male testosterone. They are rich in cheese (especially with mold), eggs, fish oil and cottage cheese.


Despite the wide variety of vitamins and macronutrients in food, often people are inattentive to their diet, especially men. Therefore, vitamin complexes are also a good help for health and maintaining normal testosterone.

Micronutrients for Men's Health

Not only vitamins can increase potency, but also microelements. Therefore, if you are concerned about the question: how to increase testosterone in men, you should pay attention to products containing:

• Zinc. Without this trace element, testosterone production is impossible. It helps convert estrogen into male testosterone, so go for oysters, seafood, fish, seeds, and nuts.

• Selenium. Has a direct effect on the function of this hormone. After the age of 40, every man should take selenium and zinc as additional supplements if the deficiency of these elements does not cover the diet. The daily dose of selenium is 200 mg. There is a lot of it in garlic.

• Arginine. This amino acid is essential for the production of testosterone. It is best to take it in special pharmacy products.


• Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. A very low-fat diet can greatly lower a man's testosterone levels. This does not mean fatty and junk food, such as fast food. Emphasis should be placed on healthy fats, which are usually found in all types of vegetable oils, oily fish, avocados, olives, etc.

What else can affect the increase in male testosterone

Constant stressful situations have a detrimental effect on the healthy production of the main male hormone, and, accordingly, on potency. Under severe stress, cortisol is also produced, which contributes to weight gain, especially in the abdomen.

You also need to pay attention to proper rest. According to some studies, if a man sleeps less than 6-8 hours a night, he can lose up to 40% of testosterone.

Do not forget about physical activity. And especially strength training. The more stress your muscles receive, the better the protein is synthesized, which is involved in the production of testosterone.

Read also: "Body drying for men"

Try to eliminate alcohol from your diet, especially for men over the age of 40. The liver can no longer cope with the load and the production of the female hormone estrogen increases, the level of which affects the formation of a effeminate figure and loss of muscle mass.

Take care of your men's health with estet-portal.com.

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