All the virtues of yoga are innumerable – it is the best way to relax, relieve stress and find inner harmony. In addition, thanks to such activities, you can improve the sensations during intimacy. By practicing the yoga poses described in this article, you will be able to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, improve your stretching, and train your mindfulness.

The editors of have prepared a list of asana poses that contribute to improved health, as well as for a more vivid sensation during intimacy. 

Yoga poses that will improve the sensations during sex

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

It is better to start exercises from the “praying posture”. To do this, put your feet together, and fold your hands on your chest as during prayer. Exhale slowly, and then inhale just as smoothly, raise your hands above your head, look up. Relax, breathe slowly, avoid sharp inhalations and exhalations.

Exhaling, lean forward and grab your ankles. If your stretching does not yet allow you to do this – provided that this yoga asana is regularly performed after a few weeks, this will not be difficult. While inhaling, straighten your back, looking straight ahead.

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Next, proceed to the yoga pose called "Rider Pose". Stand in the bar, bend one leg at the knee and put it forward, while the hands are located at the level of the bent leg, the neck is extended, the gaze is directed upwards. While inhaling, straighten your legs and bend back, rest your hands on the floor. This is – “snake pose”.

As you exhale, rest your hands and arms on the floor, bend, head down, while your back is perfectly flat – this yoga pose is called "mountain". In this position, you should linger for 5 breaths and exhalations. Straighten up, raise your arms above your head, fold them on your chest as you exhale.

Benefits: This yoga asana will energize you, help you strengthen your muscles, improve your stretching, which will improve the sensations during sex. To find harmony and tranquility, one should repeat the “Sun Salutation”; 5 times a day.

Lower Castle (Mula Bandha)

Cross your legs and try to relax completely – close your eyes, breathe deeply. Smoothly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the pelvic floor. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

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Benefits: By doing this yoga asana, the intimate muscles are toned, which in turn will have a positive effect on the sensations during sex.

Diamond Pose (Vajarasana)

Kneel down,buttockslower on your heels, put your palms on your knees. The back should be straight and relaxed. Keep breathing evenly and stay in this yoga pose for 5-10 seconds.

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Benefits: If you regularly perform this asana, the blood circulation in the lower back and in the pelvic organs will increase, and, accordingly, the sensations during sex will improve.

Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Lie on your back, straighten your legs. As you exhale, raise your lower body, put your legs behind your head, support your back with your hands. Gently raise your legs and hold them at a right angle to the floor for 10-20 seconds.

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Benefits: This

yoga pose
improves blood flow and normalizes hormonal balance.

Plow Pose (Halasana)

Lie on your back with your legs straight. As you exhale, lift your

lower body

while bringing your legs behind your head so that your toes touch the floor. Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds. 

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Benefits: This asana regulates hormonal balance and improves blood flow. Practicing this

yoga posture
regularly will help improve the sensations during sex and speed up the achievement of orgasm.

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