Cholesterol accumulations can completely or partially block the lumen of the coronary vessels. This causes a violation of normal blood circulation, which leads to the development of atherosclerotic heart disease. It progresses, which worsens the trophism of the heart muscles. Vessels perform their functions worse and worse, which affects the state of all organs and systems. The consequences of the disease are more than unpleasant. This is a general malaise, weakness, shortness of breath and even sudden death.
- 7 main factors provoking the development of the disease
- How is atherosclerotic heart disease manifested
- Conservative Therapy Methods and Helpful Tips
- About the symptoms and treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease
7 main factors provoking the development of the disease
Changes that occur in the coronary arteries are often due to genetics, but this does not mean that a person will necessarily overtake atherosclerotic heart disease. There are factors that provoke the development of the disease:
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Smoking. Tobacco smoke contains a huge amount of toxic substances, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, acetone. All of them negatively affect the human body. In Special Risk Area — heart and vessels.
Alcohol abuse. Benefits of alcohol — myth: alcohol kills the heart and blood vessels.
Physical inactivity. Lack of proper physical activity, sedentary lifestyle — factors that impair health and well-being, provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system.
Wrong diet. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, and instead of useful substances, it receives dangerous fats, the risk of developing heart disease increases dramatically.
Obesity. Most often, obesity is the result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. Excess weight puts extra stress on the heart and increases the risks.
Diabetes mellitus. This disease is associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism and if left untreated can lead to serious health problems.
Persistent stress. Not all illnesses are from nerves, but heart are definitely associated with
An unhealthy lifestyle doesn benefit of every year increasing the risks for the cardiovascular system. If there is a genetic predisposition to atherosclerotic heart disease, you should take care of your health before the alarming symptoms appear.
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How is atherosclerotic heart disease manifested
At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic. The first alarming signs appear only when the vessels are severely constricted due to cholesterol accumulations. You should be on your guard if you observe such changes:
General weakness. A person with atherosclerotic heart disease feels constant lethargy and fatigue. It becomes difficult for him to cope with everyday activities.
Feeling unwell during exertion. Physical or mental stress is poorly tolerated, it is more difficult for a person to cope with stress. Often suffering from shortness of breath.
Pain. If it hurts on the left side of the chest and gives to the neck arm, this is an alarming sign. You may also experience a burning sensation.
Irregular heart rhythms. Over time, angina pectoris may develop.
When such signs appear, you need to contact either a general practitioner or immediately a cardiologist. It is impossible to delay, because atherosclerotic heart disease often leads to a heart attack, cardialgia or sudden death.
Read also: 10 signs of heart disease: how to recognize the problem
Methods of conservative therapy and helpful tips
Treatment should only be prescribed by a cardiologist after a thorough diagnosis. It may include the following methods:
Change in lifestyle. You will have to quit tobacco and alcohol, change your eating habits and normalize your weight if you have extra pounds. Doctors recommend moderate exercise. Here it is important to do without fanaticism and not overload the heart and vessels.
Medications. Medications are prescribed by a doctor. Typically prescribed are statins, nicotinic acid, fibrates, essential phospholipids, and bile acid sequestrants.
Bypass surgery. If conservative methods are proven to be ineffective, coronary artery bypass surgery is required to restore blood flow.
In addition to medicines, there are healthy teas, juices, decoctions that can be safely taken with atherosclerotic heart disease. For example, a decoction of rosehip berries and green tea cleanse the blood vessels and support the heart. Beet and potato juices are also useful, and corn oil, buckwheat, sea buckthorn, garlic, bananas and nuts should be added to the diet.
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About the symptoms and treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease
Heart disease is insidious. They can develop asymptomatically for a long time, but not without consequences, so you should be more attentive to your health:
Get out of bad habits. This is a colossal risk factor.
Be active. Strong training is necessary for everyone.
Regularize your diet. This will help prevent many diseases, including cardiac.
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At the first signs of heart problems, contact your doctor immediately: remember, there is a risk of sudden death.
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