Addiction occurs in almost every one of us. Someone cannot imagine their life without sweets, someone is addicted to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, and someone is addicted to social networks and computer games. In any case, such destructive addictions deprive of freedom, and also block creative energy and opportunities for self-realization. In other words, a great addiction destroys a person. How to get rid of her shackles and regain freedom?
- The Nature of Major Addiction: What It Is and How It Occurs
- How big an addiction affects a person
- How to get rid of an addiction and never come back to it
You will learn about this in the material online publication
The Nature of Major Addiction: What It Is and How It Occurs
Addiction is an obsessive desire to use certain substances or do certain activities.
Based on this, it comes in 2 types:
• physiological – drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking drugs;
• behavioral – passion for sweets, gambling, sex, shopping and so on.
From the point of view of medicine, a great dependence – it's a disease. This is the conclusion of the American Society for Addiction Medicine. So, in his opinion, this phenomenon is a chronic brain disorder.
Also, a person can depend on another person or several people. If this phenomenon is found in a child, there is no cause for concern. This is absolutely normal. But if an adult has a great dependence in relation to other people, this already speaks of pathology. He cannot make elementary decisions on his own, feels helpless and cannot do without the constant support of others.
How does this phenomenon occur?
The mechanism of its development is as follows:
• first, a person tries something that improves his mood, gives a feeling of joy and even brings him into ecstasy;
• then he resorts to it again and again, as a result of which a habit arises, which eventually takes root;
• a person increases the frequency of his actions and dosage, he begins to lose control over himself, falling into the so-called trap, getting out of which is very difficult.
Thus, an addiction occurs.
How much addiction affects a person
Any dependency – it is a destructive phenomenon. So, numerous studies suggest that it leads to a change in the structure of the brain, and more specifically – damage to connections between neurons. As a result, there are changes in emotions, feelings, thoughts, as well as perceptions that lead to addictive behavior. It also affects memory, motivation, and the positive reinforcement system. And as a result, a person's values and priorities change, which makes his behavior dominant.
The dependent person leads a specific way of life. In the first place, he always has the use of an active substance or a certain activity.
If he stops doing this, the so-called "withdrawal syndrome" will occur, accompanied by such signs as:
• irritability;
• alarm;
• pain and nausea.
Despite such a picture, it is still possible to get rid of a big dependency . How to do this, read below.
How to get rid of an addiction and never come back to it
You can get rid of the hook of your own destructive addictions only after you understand the mechanism of addiction, realize all the feelings associated with it, as well as the true desires that are hidden behind the craving for what you destroys.
Whenever you feel addicted to something, use Dr. Brewer's RAPIO Model:
• Recognize – as soon as you notice that a strong desire is about to “light up”; within you, relax through meditation or introspection.
• Accept – accept your desire as it is, look at it from the side, while trying not to evade it and not take any action.
• Explore – observe the growth of desire and your feelings. Ask yourself: "What is my body and mind feeling at this second?".
• Tag – note how you feel from a physical and emotional point of view, how one state is replaced by another.
Of course, this is not the only way to solve the problem. To eradicate addiction, you will have to work hard using versatile methods. In particularly severe cases, you may even need the help of a specialist.
Remove dependency – hard work on yourself. But having done it with maximum effort and with the help of a psychologist, you will feel how you are freed from the shackles that bind you, filled with vital energy, and your life has acquired a new meaning.
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