In the modern world, everything has long been messed up in the relationship between men and women. Everything was clear before: a man hunts a mammoth, a woman keeps a hearth. Today, a woman is also able to hunt the same mammoth, and some men prefer to sit behind her strong back. Let's try to figure out why there are so many passive men in our time. What is the reason that the stronger sex began to allow himself to be controlled and why is he satisfied with this state of affairs? How does the upbringing of parents affect the formation of the character of boys?

Who are active men?

To be in demand among women, a man must be confident and radiate magnetism (charisma), agrees And it doesn’t matter if he is rich or poor, if a woman feels in a man « active» beginning, she would trust him and follow him. In this case, any woman may enjoy the role of being "passive". She will feel her security and the strength of an alpha male at an ancient level given by nature.

Even if outwardly a man is not very handsome, but his active principle dominates, he himself tries to conquer a woman (courtship, gifts, care), he expresses his masculine principle "yang". A woman in this case can show her weak side of the "yin", which is inherent in her from the moment of birth. It is this attitude that awakens femininity, tenderness and trust in relation to a partner in the weak half.

Where do passive men come from?

Passive men don't appear out of nowhere, we ourselves make them so. When the baby is still developing, parents try to prevent his every wrong step and do not give him the right to make his own mistakes.

Being overprotective of their child and constantly laying straws, mom and dad are raising a weak-willed creature who needs help or support all the time already in adult independent life. Such men remain big children. They manifest infantilism in all spheres of life. They get lost and do not know how to behave if difficult life situations arise.

Such men even in marriage try to hide from making vital decisions behind a woman's back. So they "close" their need for constant control and guardianship, which they are accustomed to from a young age. By their behavior, they force a woman to take care of themselves, agree with the circumstances (even if they do not suit them), sit "under the wife's skirt"; and are afraid to change anything in their lives.

Behavior of male extroverts and introverts

Also, the behavior of a man with a woman can be affected by what type he belongs to: he is an extrovert or an introvert. Naturally, introverts are more prone to passive behavior. They are psychologically tuned in such a way that getting out of someone's shadow (for example, a wife) is a great discomfort for them.

Any public activities for such a person – the hardest test for the psyche. Taking real action is much more difficult for him than thinking and rethinking the situation for a long time. They tend to complicate even the most simple and insignificant event in their lives. Even invite a woman  going for a walk is often difficult for them. And if he nevertheless decides to take the first step, for an introvert this event will be tantamount to a feat. But they tolerate loneliness well and have a rich inner world.

Extroverts, on the contrary, often act "in a rush", revealing their entire masculine essence. They give the impression of a strong, courageous, self-confident person with an active lifestyle. However, the biggest problem for them can be the state of loneliness. They chronically cannot stand being in solitude without communication with the outside world. Often they tend to fill their problems with "hypersociality"; and constant movement in the cycle of life.

However, you should not think that all passive men are introverts by nature. Extroverts can also be passive in relation to a woman, as they are distinguished by superficial feelings, trying to drown it out with violent activity.


Anyway, a woman should not take on the male responsibilities in a couple, no matter how strong she is. There is no need to feel sorry for the man and take on the responsibility of supporting the family or hammering nails herself. Give the man a chance to prove himself, whatever he may be. If you believe in him, you will be able to revive in him the masculine qualities of a real alpha male. Then you can feel like a weak, protected and happy woman.

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