You visit the dentist at least 2 times a year, as recommended, use an ultra-modern toothbrush and very high-quality paste, and dental floss and rinse for you – not an empty sound. And yet, without realizing it, we sometimes harm our teeth. Being confident that you are doing everything right, everything is in order with your teeth, and therefore there is no reason to worry, yet you may lose sight of something. And these non-obvious things can bring all your efforts to naught. will tell you what destroys our teeth.
What hurts your teeth: eliminate everything that is wrong
Teeth health – delicate matter. In this case, most of our habits and daily addictions are affected.
To preserve the beauty and health of teeth, it is necessary to groom them and protect them thoroughly from threats. And for this, of course, you should know what harms your teeth.
Insufficient or improper oral hygiene
Many people think that teeth should be brushed once a day, however, do it carefully and for about 5 minutes. Everything about this statement is wrong. Most importantly, brushing your teeth should be done 2 times daily – before breakfast and after the last meal. Further – optimally brush your teeth for no more than 3 minutes (this is especially true if you use a hard brush). If the cleaning time exceeds the declared one, keep in mind that by your actions, albeit unconsciously, you contribute to the destruction of the enamel, because in this case it begins to soften. It is ideal to use a toothbrush after each meal, and flossing should not be forgotten.
Caught in Bruxism
This is the name of the bad habit of grinding your teeth. And, as you understand, it also does not contribute to dental health. On the contrary, this is a direct path to the destruction of enamel. If bruxism – Your topic is to get rid of the habit that is detrimental to dental health as soon as possible.
Tongue or lip piercing
It is fashionable, beautiful, however, in this case there is a downside. Every day, in contact with tooth enamel, the metal slightly damages it. At the same time, microdamages cover just the front teeth, and they are most visible. Also, piercing often causes dental disease that requires long-term treatment. This is traumatic periodontitis. The conclusion suggests itself: if you have already got a lip or tongue piercing, then at least keep it to a minimum.
Drug abuse
Not everyone is aware that there are a number of drugs that are harmful to teeth. In particular, antibiotics, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs are especially guilty of this. Antidepressants are also harmful to teeth. This whole therapeutic "cohort" it is harmful for teeth in that when taking these drugs, the amount of saliva secreted in the mouth decreases, and it dries up. And it's not good for your teeth at all. Therefore, you should not, first of all, self-medicate, and you should not abuse the above medicines either. However, if it is still difficult to do without them, at least chew gum – this is very helpful in stimulating salivation.
Addiction to very hot drinks
We maintain a temperature of about 37° in our mouth; C. The temperature of hot drinks is about 80°; C. If we drink, for example, hot tea, the temperature in the mouth increases, heating the teeth. After which they quickly cool down. From such temperature changes (and some even aggravate the situation by drinking ice cream with hot coffee), microcracks appear on the tooth enamel, and this is already – direct road to caries.
As you can see, at first glance, harmless habits can seriously harm our teeth.
Take note of all these non-obvious points, which, nevertheless, seriously damage your teeth, and then you will not have to leave a fortune in the office of dentist.
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